Daniel Kahl
Daniel Kahl

Daniel Kahl, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in Community and Leadership Development and the Associate Director of the Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK) at the University of Kentucky. He teaches CLD 430, Leading in Community and advises graduate and undergraduate students. As a community development specialist with Cooperative Extension, Dan facilitates strategic planning and community groups to improve civic engagement strategies to creating change. He is lead author of “Engaging Citizens to Influence Climate Change.” (2018) in Albrecht, D. & Lachapelle, P. (eds), Approaches to Address Climate Change at the Community Level in the U.S. London: Routledge Publishing. Dr. Kahl was a collaborative designer of the Kansas Environmental Leadership Program and facilitates the development of Environmental Education networks.
Email: daniel.kahl@uky.edu
Research Areas: community engagement, planning facilitation, community leadership, environmental education
Collaborative Interests: grant collaborations, research collaborations, guest lectures, public lectures, departmental seminars, student advising