A robust agenda is being developed, including poster sessions and oral presentations for faculty, research administrative staff, and students. Check back for updates as speakers and topics are added.
7:00 AM-5:00 PM | Registration and Information, Natcher Conference Center, NIH Campus |
7:15-8:15 AM | Light breakfast provided onsite |
8:30 AM Kirchstein Auditorium |
Welcome and Introduction – Brett Spear, PhD Opening Address – Jon Lorsch, PhD, Director, NIGMS |
10:00-11:30 AM |
Morning Sessions (Tue) |
Atrium | Poster Session A | Neurobiology, Health Disparities |
Kirchstein Auditorium | NIH/NIGMS Data Science Session
Room A/B | Faculty Presentations | Genetics, Development
Room C | Research Administrative Session 1
Room D | Steering Committee Meeting |
Room G | Trainee Presentations | Microbiology, Environment, Stress
11:30 AM-12:45 PM | Lunch provided onsite |
1:00-5:00 PM |
1:00-2:15 Kirchstein Auditorium |
Scientific Keynote Address — Stanley Andrisse, MBA, PhD, Assistant Professor, Howard University College of Medicine (book signing will follow in Room C) |
2:30-5:00 Kirchstein Auditorium | NIH Staff Session Five sessions which include individual presentations from NIH staff and SuRE Resource Center (SRC) team members:
2:30 PM Room A/B | NIGMS NOFOs NIGMS Funding Opportunities — Michael Sesma, PhD |
2:30-4:15 Room D |
Student Professional Development Session
3:15-4:45 Atrium |
Poster Session B | Environmental Stress, Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular Genetics, Nanotechnology, Technology |
3:15-5:00 Room A/B |
Faculty Presentations | Biotechnology, Molecular Modeling
3:15-4:40 Room C |
Trainee Presentations | Behavior, Neurobiology
3:30-5:00 Room G |
Faculty Presentations | Cancer, Tissue Regeneration, Circadian Rhythm
5:00 PM | Dinner on own | Free time |
7:00-9:00 PM | Optional Networking Mixer, Hilton Garden Inn Bethesda Downtown |
7:00 AM-5:00 PM | Registration and information, Natcher Conference Center, NIH Campus |
7:15-8:15 AM | Light breakfast provided onsite |
8:30-11:30 AM |
Kirchstein Auditorium | TBD Title — Sharon Milgram, PhD NINDS/BRAIN Initiative Funding Opportunity Session — Natalie Trzcinski, PhD State of the NIH Address — Michael Lauer, MD, Deputy Director Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health (NIH) |
Room C | Faculty Presentations | Microbiology
8:30 Room D |
OSP Seed Grant Roundtable |
Room G | Trainee Presentations | Cancer
11:30 AM-12:45 PM | Lunch provided onsite |
1:00-3:30 PM |
1:00-2:30 Atrium |
Poster Session C | Cancer Biology, Drug Design/Development |
Room A/B | Faculty Presentations | Behavior, Aging, Dementia
Room C | Trainee Presentations | Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology
Room D 2:30 PM | Bridging Equity Gaps for Students Who Face Academic Disparities — Alena Smith, PhD |
Room G | Research Administrative Session 2
3:45-4:15 Kirchstein Auditorium |
Closing Remarks and Poster Awards — Paul Murphy, PhD, Co-Director, SuRE Resource Center |