EBC Services and Rates


Core Services

  •     Training
  •     Equipment maintenance and daily monitoring
  •     Assistance with data analysis
  •     Experiment setup (Sable)


Energy Balance & Body Composition Service Rates for FY24-25
Rates are subject to change, prior to RFS Approval
Service UK Investigators Non-UK Investigators
Echo MRI Usage $6/mouse $9/mouse
Sable Calorimetry $55/day $84/day
Sable Running Wheel $10/day $15/day
Sable Telemetry $10/day $15/day
Training $40/hr $61/hr



Sable system

Sable Promethion System for Indirect Calorimetry

Sable Promethion system for indirect calorimetry
  • 16 cages 
  • Indirect calorimetry at three minute intervals
  • Continuous food and water quantification;
  • Continuous activity quantification in X, Y, Z
  • Body mass quantification
  • Optional programmable running wheels
Sable system cage
  • Optional programmable food restriction
  • Programmable temperature cabinet for custom temperatures
  • Data Analysis:
    • CalR (energy expenditure, energy balance, RER)
    • Circadian analysis
    • Ethoscan (behavior)



  • Body composition in awake mice