The Vice President for Research (VPR) has purchased an iThenticate subscription for researchers including graduate students. iThenticate (plagiarism-checking software) is now available for RCR-compliant researchers including graduate students.
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Definition of Research Misconduct
Research misconduct is defined as plagiarism; fabrication or intentional falsification of data, research procedures or data analysis; or other deliberate misrepresentation in proposing, conducting, reporting or reviewing research. It does not include honest error or honest differences in interpretations or judgments of data.
In cases of allegations involving activities submitted to or supported by a federal agency, the definition for research misconduct specified in the agency's regulations will apply.

Maintain Integrity in Your Grant Application to Avoid Potential Research Misconduct
Watch this quick overview of the DHHS ORI Infographic, "Applying for a Grant? DON'T TAKE SHORTCUTS" [PDF], for helpful advice on maintaining research integrity in your grant application. [HTML Video]

5 Quick Tips to Avoid Plagiarism
Watch this quick overview of the DHHS ORI Infographic, "Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism" [PDF], for an illustration of the definition of plagiarism in accordance to 42 CFR 93. [HTML Video]

How to be a Good Research Mentor
Watch this quick overview of the DHHS ORI Infographic, "5 Qualities of Good Research Mentors" [PDF], to learn five qualities that all mentors should posses. [HTML Video]

How to Promote Research Integrity as a Supervisor
Watch this quick overview of the DHHS ORI Infographic, "5 Ways Supervisors Can Promote Research Integrity" [PDF], to learn five things supervisors can do to promote research integrity within your team. [HTML Video]

Research Community Safeguards for Scientific Integrity
Watch this quick overview of the DHHS ORI Infographic, "The Research Community Safeguards Scientific Integrity" [PDF], to learn who the key players are and how each plays a role in safeguarding scientific integrity. [HTML Video]