Community Engaged Research (CER)/Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Questions/Answers
Resources to facilitate CER/CBPR
What resources are available to investigators conducting Community Engaged Research (CER) or Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR)?
ORI provides a CBPR frequently asked questions (FAQs) [PDF] guide to assist researchers in the design and implementation of research in the community and facilitate Institutional Review Boards’ review of CER/CBPR.
CBPR investigators may work with ORI education, to propose use of non-traditional, CBPR-focused human subject protection training for community partners. The CBPR FAQ [PDF] provides links to several national programs available designed to educate nonscientific/nonresearch community-based individuals. In addition, UK ORI has developed K-12 Teacher & Support Staff Human Subject Protection (HSP) Training specifically designed to educate teachers and support staff on protecting the rights and welfare of students. [Launch Course]
What are considerations for IRB review of CBPR?
- How research involves community members or partners in the design and implementation of the study!
- Community risks, benefits, and consent.
- How results will be shared with the community.
- How protocols may be developed to include flexibility (e.g., range of procedures; semi-structured interviews within defined parameters).