Proposal Initiation

Proposal Initiation Form (PIF)

This comprehensive form is designed to streamline and enhance the process of submitting research proposals within CGS. By providing detailed information through this form, researchers can facilitate efficient communication with the CGS, OSPA, and RFS team, ensuring a smooth and transparent review process.

Instructions: Please complete all sections of this form accurately and thoroughly. Incomplete submissions may result in delays in the review process. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact CGS at

To plan for proposal submission, please submit the Proposal Initiation Form (PIF) as soon as possible after deciding to submit a proposal.   The PIF should be submitted at least 30 days in advance of the sponsor’s deadline. 

  • A more complicated submission such as those with more than one subrecipient site, an ARPA-H, or an NIH P proposal, for example, should provide additional advance notice. 
  • You must also complete a PIF for any Letter of Intent or Pre-Proposal if either includes a budget component (even a flat dollar amount), requires an institutional signature, and/or institutional representations/certifications.
  • For University of Kentucky purposes, all submissions are treated as a new proposal and require a PIF to be completed.  This is true even if a sponsor such as NIH refers to a proposal submission as a “resubmission.” Please submit a PIF in these cases.
  • When the proposal is to be submitted directly by a PI via a sponsor’s system or by email to the sponsor agency, it still requires institutional review and approval before submission to the sponsor.  These types of submissions also require a PIF to be completed.
  • In the case of a proposal submission by a student, the faculty mentor – in most cases -- will serve as PI for the student’s proposal.  A PIF must be completed for all externally submitted proposal submissions, even those submitted by students and/or postdocs.

Once the PIF is submitted, you will receive an email within two business days from your CGS Pre-Award Grant Specialist to start the budget development and Internal Approval Form (IAF) prep process.

Investigators are responsible for ensuring all non-scientific documentation associated with the proposal is provided to their Grant Special six business days prior to the sponsor’s deadline

Investigators are responsible for ensuring all scientific documentation associated with the proposal is provided to their Grant Special four business days prior to the sponsor’s deadline.