Facility Use

training access


All users must complete steps 1 through 3 below before receiving training on core instruments. Training is performed for either individuals or for groups of two (2) users. If you are a new user, please read the New User Procedure documentation (PDF, 1pg).

Facility Access

Users can request badge access by emailing Xu Fu. Access is restricted to registered users or with permission from facility staff. 


Light Microscopy Core Service Rates for FY24-25
Rates are subject to change, prior to RFS Approval
Instrument UK Investigators      Non-UK Investigators
Atomic Force $33/hr $50/hr
Imaris $5/hr $8/hr
Nikon A1R $33/hr $50/hr
Nikon A1R (5 pm - 8 am) $30/hr --
Nikon A1R - Time Lapse $122 $187
Nikon SIM/STORM $33/hr $50/hr
Nikon SIM/STORM (5 pm - 8 am) $30/hr --
X Clarity - Unassisted $22 $34
X Clarity - Assisted $207 $317
Zeiss LSM880 $33/hr $50/hr
Zeiss Axioscan Z1 $7/hr $11/hr
Zeiss Axioscan Z7 $11/hr $17/hr
Widefield $6/hr $9/hr
Laser Capture Microdissection $15/hr $23/hr
Nikon AXR $36/hr $55/hr
Nikon AXR (5 pm - 8 am) $33/hr --
Nikon AXR - Time Lapse $132 $202
Spectral Ami HT $16/hr $24/hr
Automated Craniotomy $5/hr $8/hr
Technical Services/Support $41/hr $63/hr
(Coming Soon) Spinning Disk Confocal $36/hr $55/hr
(Coming Soon) Spinning Disk Confocal
(5 pm - 8 am)
$33/hr --