Researchers can access many data sources through the IBI data brokerage services. To request data from our current Honest Brokers.
Data resources include:
Clinical data from different UKHC electronic systems which has been integrated into an Enterprise Data Warehouse and made available for investigators use.
Provides access to biological specimens, biobanking services, and training for investigators in biospecimen-related research
This dataset contains medical and prescription claims data for UK health Plan members.
This database contains de-identified data Marketscan Commercial Claims and Encounters and Medicare Supplemental Databases.
OHP collects both inpatient hospital discharge and outpatient services data (which includes emergency department data).
The data needed to conduct a feasibility assessment and obtain patient counts for participant recruitment.
The Center for Clinical & Translational Science and the Institute for Biomedical Informatics is launching a new Research Data Navigator program. The program will have extensive hands-on instruction (estimated 94 hours over 3 months) in HIPAA Privacy, Data Governance, Research Design, How to work with Statisticians, Review of the data structure, work flow and regulatory compliance procedures, hands on consultations with researchers, shadowing experiences with existing honest brokers, writing data specifications and SQL code for data extractions, as well as, performing secondary reviews of code. Demonstrations and training on EPIC Slicer Dicer and COSMOS tools will also be available.
If becoming a Research Data Navigator for your College and/or Department sounds interesting, please discuss the commitment with your supervisor. The first cohort will begin November 1st and will end February 9th.
To apply to the program, please complete the Application and SQL coding test. Apply here
Applications will be taken year-round and we plan to have several cohorts over the next year. Deadline for our first cohort is October 20, 2023.