• Office of Research Integrity
    The Office of Research Integrity and Center for Clinical and Translational Science will be providing a repeat hands on workshop on informed consent regulatory requirements.
  • Office of Research Integrity
    ORI is pleased to announce that the streamlining feature promised in the April 17, 2018 announcement has been put into production sooner than anticipated!
  • Office of Research Integrity
    Since E-IRB has been put into production, ORI has received feedback indicating preparation of the application by study support-staff is cumbersome due to the multiple points at which the Principal Investigator (PI) is required to log-in to E-IRB and perform a PI-only task. 
  • Office of Research Integrity
    Consent Language for Certificates of Confidentiality (CoC) Automatically Issued as a result of the NIH CoC Policy Change
  • Office of Research Integrity
    The Office of Research Integrity and Center for Clinical and Translational Science will be providing a hands on workshop on informed consent regulatory requirements.
  • Office of Research Integrity
    Effective January 22, 2018, new Expedited and Full Review Applications must be submitted via the new web-based application system, "E-IRB".
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