Infectious Diseases
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  • Jun 18 2020

UK College of Medicine researchers are using the special antibodies made by alpacas, called nanobodies, to help understand the novel coronavirus and potentially develop a treatment that could protect people from being infected. 

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  • Jun 17 2020

Known as Serologic Testing to Accelerate Recovery and Transition (START), the study focuses on antibody testing to begin understanding how many people in the region may have already contracted and recovered from COVID-19.

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  • Jun 12 2020

UK researchers across many disciplines are addressing COVID-19’s medical challenges and beyond — including developing new PPE materials, designing testing and diagnostic equipment, and examining the wider societal, economic and legal implications of the pandemic.

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  • Jun 10 2020

Researchers at UK are exploring the use of an antiseptic nasal spray and gargle to prevent transmission and infection of the virus among healthcare workers and non-COVID patients.

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  • Jun 9 2020

“The virus is about 120 nanometers in size — in the world of membranes, that's large. Even more so, it's not going to come as a virus by itself, flying in the air. It's going to come in the saliva, so it's going to be a much larger particle. A large particle is just not going through (this filter).”

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  • May 13 2020

A group of UK professors and scientists efforts to identify possible direct therapeutic approaches to treat COVID-19 was published in the Perspectives section of the most recent issue of Science, a journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

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  • May 11 2020

UK researchers have launched antibody testing that will help to understand what immunity to COVID-19 really means. The research is part of UK’s CURE Alliance team, which is uniting UK researchers across disciplines in the fight against the novel coronavirus.

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  • May 7 2020

“We are pleased to be able to offer this clinical trial to patients with COVID-19 in Kentucky. While there is no standard treatment for COVID-19, this trial gives us the ability to test multiple therapies rapidly in order to identify the most promising agents.”

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  • Apr 30 2020

According to the report, confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Commonwealth would have reached a staggering 45,000 by April 25 without any state-imposed measures. For comparison, the current total of confirmed COVID-19 cases is fewer than 4,000.

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  • Apr 28 2020

The UK CURE Alliance, in collaboration with the UK Center for Clinical and Translational Science, has issued RFAs for COVID-19 funding in three categories: health, materials and methods and social sciences. Full-time UK faculty in all title series are eligible to apply.