Molecular Biology & Genetics
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  • Oct 8 2021

A recently released paper from the Department of Physiology and Sanders-Brown Center on Aging (SBCoA) suggests that genetics can influence response to Alzheimer’s disease pathology.

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  • Oct 5 2021

University of Kentucky College of Medicine researchers were part of a recently published study giving insight into how limb development evolved in vertebrates.

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  • Aug 6 2021

University of Kentucky alumnus Mosoka Fallah, Ph.D., is on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic in Liberia.

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  • May 10 2021

Recipients will receive a three-year annual stipend for a research-based master's or doctoral degree in a STEM-related field.

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  • Jan 14 2021

The research team will take a closer look at how the muscle weakness associated with Marfan syndrome leads to problems with hip joint muscle function, muscle morphology and gait mechanics. The exact association of these factors with the onset of hip joint pain and cartilage degeneration is unknown and of particular interest to the researchers.

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  • Jul 1 2020

Emilia Galperin, a Kentucky College of Medicine researcher, has been awarded $1.9 million to continue research examining molecular pathogenesis of Noonan-like syndrome.

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  • Oct 10 2019

The study presents new information showing how salamanders develop limbs in a strikingly different manner compared to frogs, chickens and mice.

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  • Jun 11 2019

Plants use memory at the molecular level to respond to stress in their environment. University of Kentucky researcher Carlos Rodríguez López has received a $500,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, to explore epigenetic memory, continuing research he began while living in Australia.

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  • Jan 25 2019

UK researchers Jeramiah Smith and Randal Voss have assembled the entire genome of the Mexican Axolotl, a salamander that is key to unlocking the secrets of regeneration with potential for life-changing clinical applications down the road.

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  • Oct 19 2018

By understanding the metabolic and epigenetic risk factors for breast cancer in Nigeria, researchers like Tomi Akinyemiju can better understand why African-American women in the United States are more likely to develop this disease and can begin to develop ways to prevent the disease and develop more effective treatment.