Aaron Garvey's research focuses on how brands can have placebo effects on consumers.
Michele Staton-Tindall focuses on drug use and high-risk behaviors in incarcerated women in Appalachia.
Jeannette Sutton is helping transform the ways crises are communicated in real-time on social media.
Steven Van Lanen is hoping to find new antibiotic chemistry that defies drug resistance.
Focusing on violence in lesbian relationships, Renzetti seeks to produce knowledge that improves women's lives.
Dentistry Dean Stephanos Kyrkanides talks about his research career and why he came to UK.
Brent Seales' revolutionary virtual unwrapping tool can help uncover writings from ancient scrolls.
Donna Arnett, Dean of Public Health, shares the motivation behind her research in genetic epidemiology.
Lisa Ruble has a palpable passion for studying Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Esther Dupont-Versteedgen's interest in movement mechanics drives her research into retaining skeletal muscle.