In a Q&A series, we asked UK research experts from the Gatton College of Business and Economics and the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment to tackle questions about the impact of inflation.
The report covers a variety of issues ranging from an economic forecast for the Commonwealth in 2022 to a comprehensive presentation of factors affecting Kentucky’s future economic prosperity.
This year’s symposium will explore the legal and historical factors that have contributed to the current state of wealth disparity in the United States that falls largely along racial lines.
Her co-authored research paper, “The Role of Assurance in Equity Crowdfunding,” was recently featured in Forbes and has been published in The Accounting Review.
The webinar program is the second of a three-part public policy collaboration between the chamber and UK’s Martin School to find common ground on public policy issues facing both urban and rural areas.
The UPenn Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics will host a virtual conference featuring speakers including Dr. Joseph Benitez of the University of Kentucky College of Public Health.
Gatton Dean Simon Sheather was named as the first Truist Chair in Data Analytics. The inaugural chair in the Department of Finance is part of a $2.5 million endowment established in 2019 by Truist Financial Corporation through its Truist Charitable Fund, a donor-advised fund at The Winston-Salem Foundation.
According to the report, as of October, the state had recovered 67% of jobs lost during the first months of the pandemic. But the recovery remains far from complete. Kentucky’s employment was still down 107,600 jobs — or 5.5% — from January 2020.