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  • Oct 15 2020

UK Martin School of Public Policy and Administration longtime faculty members Merl Hackbart and David Wildasin recently received national recognition for lifetime achievement in their respective fields.

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  • Sep 15 2020

“CEDIK exemplifies the continuing relevance of our land-grant mission,” said Barry Barnett, chair of the UK Department of Agricultural Economics. “They connect with rural communities to address local challenges using research-based knowledge.”

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  • Jun 29 2020

In the wake of protests across the United States, corporate America is shifting away from “business-as-usual” and instead, sharing messages of solidarity — some even going as far as to launch new initiatives surrounding diversity and inclusion.

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  • Apr 30 2020

According to the report, confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Commonwealth would have reached a staggering 45,000 by April 25 without any state-imposed measures. For comparison, the current total of confirmed COVID-19 cases is fewer than 4,000.

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  • Feb 12 2020

The 48th Kentucky Annual Economic Report is one of the many ways CBER fulfills its mandated mission as specified in the Kentucky Revised Statutes to examine various aspects of the Kentucky economy.

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  • Mar 26 2019

When autonomous machinery becomes available, grain producers who adopt it would likely see economic benefits, but only if the machinery is not cost prohibitive, according to a University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment study.

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  • Mar 21 2019

Although it may seem like a stretch, Albert Einstein's theory of space and time may have a relevant connection to the world of finance.

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  • Aug 30 2018

The UK-based Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky recently received a major national award for the effectiveness of its outreach programs.

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  • Jul 25 2018

The Washington Center for Equitable Growth announced today that it will award 24 grants this year, totaling close to $900,000, to economists and other social scientists conducting research on the channels through which economic inequality affects economic growth and stability.

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  • Apr 5 2018

A Gatton College faculty member is looking into explanations for why prices for consumers don't always come back down the way we may think they should.