Energy Economy
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  • Nov 11 2022

College of Engineering senior Donovan Dye's extraordinary journey from Floyd County to the Air Force National Guard to the labs of the Center for Applied Energy Research.

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  • Nov 4 2022

Leaders will present and discuss their work on the interconnected research fields at the symposium on Dec. 8. The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Jacobs Science Building.

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  • Jun 9 2022

Elementary school students descended upon Kroger Field to take part in the first-ever GEN-EV electric car race, a STEM-based activity that helps to develop engineering and team skills by allowing students to design, construct, and competitively race a one-person electric vehicle.

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  • Jun 2 2022

UK has received $2.4 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory to develop a cost-effective system that will capture carbon dioxide and produce hydrogen at natural gas combined cycle power plants.

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  • May 5 2022

UK's College of Engineering and Center for Applied Energy Research have received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) to capture carbon dioxide at a low concentration from the Nucor Steel Gallatin process flue gas stream.

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  • Apr 19 2022

Elaf Ghoneim, a neuroscience major in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Lewis Honors College, and Parker Sornberger, a mathematics and chemistry major in the College of Arts and Sciences — will each begin their independent, laboratory research this summer.

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  • Mar 21 2022

Researchers at the Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) recently received funding from OUR&D seeking to supplement current research on sustainable aviation fuel.

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  • Feb 22 2022

The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet and the Kentucky Geological Survey at the University of Kentucky have announced a collaborative project focused on mine methane (CH4) emissions in the state.

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  • Jan 12 2022

Researchers have led changes in global industrial processes and scientific breakthroughs that are changing Kentucky’s and the world’s economy.

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  • Nov 4 2021

The museum focuses on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant and was developed in collaboration with the Center for Applied Energy Research’s Kentucky Research Consortium for Energy and Environment.