Community Outreach
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  • Nov 20 2020

Applications for the 2021 James S. Brown Graduate Student Award for Research on Appalachia and applications for the 2021 UK Appalachian Center Eller & Billings Student Research Award are both due Feb. 15. 2021.

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  • Nov 16 2020

“Although the pandemic changed our plans for an in-person celebration, we are looking forward to spotlighting the initiatives that are moving our mission forward, as well as honoring the individuals who had the vision to establish the center and help lay our foundations.”

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  • Nov 13 2020

Anyone over the age of 18 is invited to complete a short survey from Wellness, Health, & You (WHY), an ongoing research project that seeks to understand how different life experiences affect wellbeing and health.

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  • Nov 11 2020

Wasp dope is a crystalline substance created by electrifying pyrethroid-containing substances – such as wasp sprays – that may give users a methamphetamine-like “rush.” Recent reports have highlighted the emergence of this new drug as an issue of concern, research into the substance is so far lacking.

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  • Nov 9 2020

The National Institutes of Health/National Heart Lung and Blood Institute recently awarded a five-year $3.8 million grant to the University of Kentucky to begin a new study aimed at improving diet and activity among rural Appalachian Kentuckians. 

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  • Oct 30 2020

The RUHRC was established in 2016, with an initial HRSA funding award of $2.8 million. Since then, the Center has produced 22 research products, including policy briefs and peer-reviewed publications, as well as more than a dozen related publications.

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  • Oct 15 2020

To help producers and their families better deal with stressful events, researchers in the UK’s College of Agriculture, Food and Environment and College of Nursing have joined other scientists from across the South to develop resources to help producers combat stress.

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  • Oct 9 2020

Mudd-Martin is testing the effectiveness of two interventions aimed at encouraging healthy behaviors such as physical activity, healthy eating and smoking cessation for the populations of rural areas of Bourbon, Rowan, Nicholas and other nearby counties.

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  • Oct 9 2020

The Prichard Committee Student Voice Team, in consultation with UK faculty members, set out to gauge how disruptions caused by the pandemic were impacting students’ academic motivation and learning, as well as their physical, social and emotional health.

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  • Sep 24 2020

“It’s difficult for people who use drugs to be open about [their drug use] because of the stigma it carries and the potential of criminal justice involvement,” Young said. “We tried to create a welcoming environment in our field office, and we put ourselves out there.”