Infectious Diseases
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  • Apr 23 2020

John Thelin is a leading authority on the history of American higher education. Today, he answers some of our questions, bringing historical knowledge to contemporary discussions around COVID-19’s impact on higher education.

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  • Apr 16 2020

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, UK's Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) has created a new biospecimen bank to support research on the novel virus. Logistical support for the biobank is led by the UK Markey Cancer Center.

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  • Apr 15 2020

During times of uncertainty, we — as a society — search for answers. COVID-19, first and foremost, is a public health crisis. But it also leaves us with pressing questions. UK experts can lend their knowledge and experience to help.

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  • Apr 7 2020

The COVID-19 Unified Research Experts (CURE) Alliance team, a new workgroup within UK’s College of Medicine, is bringing together UK experts from across the campus to focus on advising COVID-19 patient care and clinical trials based on emerging research and potential treatment options.

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  • Apr 3 2020

The COVID-19 Unified Research Experts (CURE) Alliance team, a new workgroup within UK’s College of Medicine, is bringing together UK experts from across the campus to focus on advising COVID-19 patient care and clinical trials.

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  • Apr 2 2020

“We have the capability to create a membrane that would not only effectively filter out the novel coronavirus like the N95 mask does, but deactivate the virus completely, this innovation would further slow and even prevent the virus from spreading."

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  • Apr 2 2020

Rebecca Dutch typically studies the steps of infection for viruses, but she's taking a closer look at the novel coronavirus these days and leading the College of Medicine’s COVID-19 Unified Research Experts (CURE) Alliance team.

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  • Mar 30 2020

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) every two minutes a child dies of malaria and each year, more than 200 million new cases of the disease are reported. For the last 15 years, Kip Guy, dean of UK’s College of Pharmacy, has worked with a team of researchers to develop an anti-malarial drug.

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  • Mar 25 2020

Animals know when to push through, when to play and how to focus. They live focused on the moment and don’t get distracted by the past or the future. They heed their instincts to stay alert to their senses and to each other. They stay focused on what is most important.

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  • Mar 19 2020

Craig Martin is the course coordinator for the comprehensive infectious diseases course in the Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum. He is busting myths and sharing truth about COVID-19 and its impact your community.