Awards & Recognitions
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  • Aug 4 2020

“Astronomy is an entirely observational science — we cannot do an experiment or make physical measurements. So we have to simulate what we observe with computers."

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  • Aug 3 2020

"Our outstanding researchers at the University of Kentucky are leading the way in translational chemical biology, and the recently awarded COBRE grant is a testament to UK CPRI’s success in their constant pursuit of discovery," said UK President Eli Capilouto.

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  • Jul 27 2020

KYNETIC, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is excited to announce that five of the seven projects recently awarded $50,000 to bring their innovations toward product development are from the University of Kentucky.

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  • Jul 27 2020

This student-nominated award recognizes UK faculty members who demonstrate an outstanding commitment to mentoring undergraduate researchers, providing exceptional undergraduate research experiences, as well as supporting and promoting the undergraduate research initiatives on campus.

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  • Jul 27 2020

“The Appalachian Center is thrilled to support these student researchers that represent nine departments across four colleges. We look forward to learning from their work as they continue to produce cutting-edge research in and on the region.”

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  • Jul 23 2020

Brent Seales, professor and chair of the Department of Computer Science at UK, is considered the foremost expert in the digital restoration of damaged and unreadable manuscripts. To this day, his quest to uncover the wisdom of the ancients is ever evolving.

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  • Jul 7 2020

The Greek Diaspora Fellowship Program is a scholar exchange program for Greek universities to host Greek scholars from the diaspora in the areas of collaborative research, curriculum co-development and/or graduate/undergraduate student mentoring and teaching.

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  • Jul 1 2020

“The significance of addressing health and other inequities has never been greater,” said Nancy Schoenberg, CHET director. “While we received numerous rigorous proposals, these projects stood out for their capacity to employ stellar research approaches to make impactful change."

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  • Jul 1 2020

Emilia Galperin, a Kentucky College of Medicine researcher, has been awarded $1.9 million to continue research examining molecular pathogenesis of Noonan-like syndrome.

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  • Jun 22 2020

The purpose of the University Research Professorship program is to recognize and publicize research accomplishments of scholars across the full range of disciplines at UK.