Infectious Diseases
  • Podcast
  • Jan 24 2020

UK recently received $3 million from the National Institute on Drug Abuse and National Institute on General Medical Sciences to fund new opioid-related research in the criminal justice system.

  • Article
  • Jan 24 2020

UK officials provided updates on the Kentucky Viral Hepatitis Treatment Project (KeY Treat), a three-year, $15 million study co-funded by NCI and NIDA with the ultimate goal of eradicating the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Perry County, KY.

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  • May 16 2019

Jennifer Havens has spent the past decade studying the transmission of infectious disease and advocating for the expansion of harm reduction programs. That work entails understanding the link between two health burdens facing the nation, the opioid crisis and cancer.

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  • May 9 2019

Two collaborating laboratories at the University of Kentucky were able to establish the events within white blood cells that progresses from inflammasome activation to a type of programmed cell death called pyroptosis -- and culminates in the damaging blood clots.

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  • Mar 21 2019

A collaborative program aimed at preventing new HIV infections in Kentucky, as well as expanding education and care for persons living with HIV, is being launched in Northern Kentucky and throughout the Commonwealth.

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  • Mar 7 2019

While it isn’t typically the role of emergency medicine clinicians to identify chronic diseases, Dr. J. Daniel Moore, assistant professor of emergency medicine in the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, knew it had to become their job.

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  • Feb 1 2019

A team led by Changcheng Zhou in the UK Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences has discovered a likely pathway by which antiretroviral drugs effect liver disease.

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  • Feb 1 2019

Olivia Prosper, an assistant professor of mathematics in the UK College of Arts and Sciences, is lead principal investigator on a project that may help reduce the threat of drug-resistant pathogens to global health.

  • Article
  • Sep 18 2018

Research on a plant which could be a big weapon in battling malaria is underway at UK.

  • Video
  • May 3 2018

Following in his father’s footsteps, Esias Bedingar came to UK in 2014 from Chad, not knowing any English at all. Since then, he has founded a nonprofit to help eradicate malaria in his home country, conducts research in neurodegenerative diseases, and will graduate with a degree in public health before attending Harvard University this fall.