Gaines Fellowships are given in recognition of outstanding academic performance, demonstrated ability to conduct independent research, an interest in public issues, and a desire to enhance understanding of the human condition through the humanities.
UK Special Collections Research Center recently organized and digitized the W. Hugh Peal Manuscript Collection, comprising approximately 7,000 items of original letters and documents of English and American Romantic and early Victorian authors. The collection is available online on ExploreUK.
UK Special Collections Research Center has successfully completed work on its Council on Library and Information Resources Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives grant, resulting in online access to the SCRC’s largest group of post-War on Poverty Appalachian primary sources.
This project will collect, transcribe, edit and publish the complete writings of Dickinson, who wrote more for the American cause than any other founding father.
This summer, a team of UK archaeologists explored two previously unknown archaic Greek sites in Calabria, Italy, one of which may be the largest Greek mountain fort yet uncovered in this area of the country.
UK Associate Professor of History Akiko Takenaka has been award a Fulbright U.S. Scholar grant to research and write her next book about the post-World War II activism for peace initiated by the women of Japan.
Abigail Firey didn’t set out to blaze trails in digital humanities. But that’s exactly what has happened in her quest to get a grasp on the enormous corpus of unpublished manuscripts that are part of her work in medieval canon law.