  • Podcast
  • Jun 22 2016

Adam Bachstetter and Danielle Lyons are focusing on how glial cells in the brain are altered with aging.

  • Podcast
  • Jun 7 2016

Joe Abisambra and his lab trainees study Tau, a microtubule stabilizing protein, in hopes of finding a cure for Alzheimer's.

  • Video
  • Jun 7 2016

Adam Bachstetter studies how glial cells in the brain interact with neurons to support brain health.

  • Video
  • Jun 7 2016

Danielle Lyons studies how glial cells in the brain interact with neurons to support brain health.

  • Video
  • Jan 26 2016

Ai-Ling Lin is the principal investigator in her own lab in Sanders-Brown Center on Aging.

  • Video
  • Dec 17 2015

The lab is assessing strength, endurance, gait, and balance to prevent and better rehab injuries.

  • Video
  • Nov 25 2014

Allison Scott focuses her research on the quality of communication about end-of-life health decisions.