Molecular Biology & Genetics
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  • Aug 4 2014

Biologist Jeramiah Smith studies salamanders and sea lamprey to find genetic clues to regeneration.

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  • Jul 28 2014

To study cell regeneration in the eye, biologist Ann Morris’s vertebrate of choice is Zebrafish.

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  • Jul 21 2014

Biologist Ashley Seifert and postdoctoral scholar Tom Gawriluk study regeneration in African spiny mice.

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  • Jul 15 2014

A new technology uses male mosquitoes to sterilize females through a naturally occurring bacterium.

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  • Jul 14 2014

Four biologists are studying how certain vertebrates regrow body parts, to help people heal.

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  • Apr 26 2013

Two NSF grants through EPSCoR kept Nunziata in science and in Kentucky.

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  • Mar 21 2013

Peter Zhou found that triple-negative breast cancer cells are missing a key enzyme.

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  • Apr 9 2012

Student Gareth Voss's research on salamander tail regeneration has resulted in two papers.

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  • Mar 21 2012

Biologist Randal Voss talks about the only captive-bred salamander population in the world.

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  • Feb 16 2012

As a high school student, Gareth Voss started doing salamander research at UK.