UK Innovate is set to host the third annual Kentucky Innovator Challenge (KIC). 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 15 in Ballrooms 212 A&B in the Gatton Student Center.
Learn how UK’s Alison Gustafson is forming partnerships across campus and in communities throughout the Commonwealth to address issues around food insecurity and how those issues affect the health of Kentuckians.
UK’s Alison Gustafson leads a team of researchers, clinicians, community partners, health care partners and food commodity producers to address food insecurity and its impact on the health of Kentuckians.
Key businesses and organizations in Kentucky and Tennessee are showing their commitment to the University of Kentucky-led effort to create economic, societal and technological growth in the region.
The Gobble Grease Toss diverts hundreds of gallons of cooking oil that would otherwise end up in the trash and uses it for research or converts the oil into fuel.
UKinSPIRE (Seeding Partnerships for International Research Engagement), an internal funding opportunity for University of Kentucky faculty, is now accepting applications for FY24-25 with a deadline of March 1, 2024.
The Mid-South I-Corps Hub, which will launch in January 2023 and is funded with $15 million for five years, is a regional alliance between lead institution Vanderbilt University and seven other universities.
UK's College of Engineering and Center for Applied Energy Research have received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) to capture carbon dioxide at a low concentration from the Nucor Steel Gallatin process flue gas stream.