IES Roles
IES User Roles
UK's Integrated Employment System (IES) is where all regular staff positions are maintained. You will use IES to maintain Major Job Responsibilities (MJRs) for regular staff positions, create new staff positions, submit vacant positions for posting, etc.
All University employees are assigned an Employee role in IES. This allows you to see your position description. For employees involved in the hiring process, additional roles will need to be requested.
Departmental IES Roles
Search Coordinator: This role will allow the user to view postings for their department. The Search Coordinator can view the applicants for each posting and will initiate Hiring Proposals. The Search Coordinator will submit Student, STEPs, and Faculty positions for posting. The Search Coordinator cannot make revisions to position descriptions (MJRs) or submit regular staff positions for a posting to be created.
Position Coordinator: This role will allow the user to make revisions to regular staff positions. The Position Coordinator will submit updates and re-evaluations for existing staff positions and will submit requests for new staff positions. The Position Coordinator will also complete the Hiring Proposal and submit it to the Budget Office.
Supervisor: This role is assigned to you when you are listed as a supervisor for a position in SAP. Supervisor's are able to submit updates & re-evaluations for their direct reports. The supervisor is also able to complete Hiring Proposals and submit them to the Budget Office.
Budget Office IES Roles
Budget Officer: The Budget Officer has the ability to view and revise all regular staff positions in the Research area. All revisions to position descriptions for regular staff positions will come to the Budget Officer for final review & submission to Compensation. The Budget Officer also receives all Hiring Proposals submitted by Research departments. The Budget Officer will review the Hiring Proposal and submit for additional approval, if needed, or submit directly to Employment for final approval.
Dean/Director: The Dean/Director can view and approve revisions to positions descriptions and hiring proposals. The Dean/Director role is only required for items as defined in the VPR Delegated Signature Authority.
Requesting IES Roles
To request a Search Coordinator or Position Coordinator role for IES, go to the IES User Account Request Form page. You must login using your link blue ID and password. Complete the form and submit. If you have any questions about what role to request or the departments number(s) you will need access to, please contact Toni Smith.
After you submit the IES User Account Request Form, you can begin the online training. You will not receive any IES access until all training is completed.
Training Required for All Users
These web-based training sessions are intended to familiarize users with the process for hiring Student/Other (e.g. positions on a student wage line, non-STEP temporary positions, or other non-benefited), Faculty, and STEPs positions. After completing these sessions you will understand the process for posting positions, reviewing applications, requesting pre-employment screening, closing positions, and submitting STEPS temporary job requests.
Register through myUK using search term "IES Training" for each of the following:
- IES Training 101 Student Process (expected time commitment: 45 minutes)
- IES Training 102 Faculty Process (expected time commitment: 30 minutes)
- IES Training 103 STEPS Process (expected time commitment: 15 minutes)
View instructions on how to register for online (web-based) trainings, or you can go directly to myUK to login and sign up for an online (web-based) training.
Training Required for Position Coordinators
In addition to the three online training sessions, Position Coordinators are required to complete one instructor-led session. Once you have submitted your User Request Form, you will be contacted to schedule this training session.