Human Research-IRB
Human Research/Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Find tools, checklists, E-IRB video tutorials and FAQs to help navigate the IRB review process.
IRB Members
Find IRB reviewer checklists, guidance, IRB Rosters, IRB meeting dates, etc.
What to consider before you agree to participate in a research study and other resources.
Latest ORI Educational Tools

New Video: "Don't Destroy Data"
Balancing confidentiality with data reproducibility requires researchers and IRB members to protect both research data and the participants from which it came.
This brief animated video introduces how secure data retention can contribute to the reproduction and validation of research findings. [HTML Video, 3:11]

UK ORI Informed Consent Process Interactive Course
The UK ORI Informed Consent Process Interactive Course includes training module that outline informed consent components, strategies, and resources for achieving a valid informed consent process. [HTML]

RCR In-Person Training/Discussion Sessions
As of January 1, 2024, new Human Research protocols cannot be submitted to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for review and new Animal Research (IACUC) protocol submissions will be held from approval until the RCR training requirement is met and/or untrained University of Kentucky research personnel are removed. This includes both the online course completion as well as the in-person training session completion.
To register for a one (1) hour session, please visit the RCR In-Person Training/Discussion page. [HTML] Sessions are posted as they become available. Please keep in mind the sessions have limited seating availability.
If you would like to be an RCR Trainer for your area and/or other areas, visit our website for more information. [HTML]

The Vice President for Research (VPR) has purchased an iThenticate subscription for researchers including graduate students. iThenticate (plagiarism-checking software) is now available for RCR-compliant researchers including graduate students.
Request Access [HTML]
About ORI
ORI supports the institution in promoting ethical conduct of human research and educating University of Kentucky (UK) faculty, staff, and students regarding human research compliance and research ethics.
ORI provides research support services including IRB review, policy development, web-based IRB submission (E-IRB), HIPAA/FERPA research reviews, protocol review management, ethical and regulatory education, quality improvement review, reliance agreement management, and research misconduct prevention and allegation management. ORI provides support for six federally mandated review committees: four Medical and one Nonmedical Institutional Review Boards (IRB), and the Radioactive Drug Research Committee (RDRC).

The UK Human Research Program is fully accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Program (AAHRPP). Read about the 2020 AAHRPP Re-accreditation here. Follow the road to the 2025 Re-accreditation here.
UK Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Comprehensive Plan (PDF, 22 pgs)

In December 2018, the University of Kentucky Office of Research Integrity (ORI) won an Award of Excellence for Best Practice in Human Research Protection for the “Informed Consent Workshop: From Perception to Process.” The four-hour, hands-on workshop assists researchers in adopting new informed consent rules. Read more…