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Women in Medicine and Science Day 2024

Join the UK College of Medicine and Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) for its annual WIMS Day professional development event! 

Locations: Charles T. Wethington Building (CTW014) and Healthy Kentucky Research Building (HKRB 150)

Event schedule

Noon-1 p.m.      
Lunch and keynote lecture (CTW 014 and Zoom)
"Mentorship and academic career progression: A personal perspective"

Invited speaker: Farida Sohrabji, PhD, Texas A&M; Regents Professor, and Department Head, Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics; Director, Women's Health in Neuroscience Program

1-1:15 p.m.         
WIMS Awards (CTW 014 and Zoom)

1:15-2 p.m.
Career progression panel (CTW 014 and Zoom)
"Mentorship and academic career progression: A group perspective"

2-2:30 p.m.

2:30-3:30 p.m.
Elevator pitch workshop (HKRB 150/Atrium)

3:30-4:15 p.m.
WIMS Booster Awards presentations (HKRB 150/Atrium)

4:15-5:30 p.m.
WIMS reception (HKRB 150/Atrium)