Division of Laboratory Animal Resources, Office of the Attending Veterinarian
In response to the recent AAALAC accreditation site visit, OAV, DLAR and IACUC have made enhancements that are expected to yield improvements in animal welfare, training and reduce instances of noncompliance with regulations, policies and approved protocols.
Cayuse Animal Oversight, Division of Laboratory Animal Resources, Office of the Attending Veterinarian
Michael W. Hart, DVM, MS, DACLAM, has been named Attending Veterinarian for the University of Kentucky. Hart previously served as Director of Animal Resources and University Veterinarian at Georgia State University.
Cayuse Animal Oversight, Division of Laboratory Animal Resources, Office of the Attending Veterinarian
With the passing of the 21st Century Cures Act and aligning with NIH/PHS Policy, the USDA is no longer requiring annual review of IACUC protocols. Principal investigators (PIs) will not submit information for annual review and approval in the Cayuse system.