Patent Palooza!

Patent Palooza! Celebrating Innovation


Patent Palooza! is an event hosted by the OTC to celebrate the UK Innovation Community. It recognizes UK innovators and successful IP, commercialization deals, SBIR/STTR awards, completion of entrepreneurship programs and more of the previous fiscal year.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024
4 - 6:00 pm ET
Ballroom 212, Gatton Student Center

Patent Palooza! 2023

Patent Palooza! 2022

Patent Palooza! 2021

Patent Palooza! 2021 was held on Tuesday, November 9.

We recognized and celebrated amazing FY 2019, FY 2020, and FY 2021 UK innovators and their commercialization successes.


The third annual event was held March 26, 2019, at the Gatton Student Center. Recognition was given to innovators for patents, licenses & options, receiving SBIR/STTR grants, graduating UKAccel, and being recognized by the National Academy of Inventors.

Dr. Lee Todd Jr. was presented the inaugural Lee T. Todd Lifetime Achievement Award in Entrepreneurship.

FY 2018 UK Innovator Honorees

Rodney Andrews

Douglas D. Archbold

Luke Bradley

Stephen Brown

Ravshan Burikhanov

Thomas Chambers

Joseph Chappell

Rolf Joseph Craven

Mark Crocker

Linda Dwoskin

Lei Fang

Xin Gao

Don Gash

Greg Gerhardt

Jim Griffioen

John Gurley

Kenneth F. Haynes

Chong Huang

Stephanie Jenkins

James Landon

Markos Leggas

Kristin Linscott

Chunming Liu

Kunlei Liu

Mark A. Lovell


Bert C. Lynn

Madhu Menon 

Eric Jon Munson

Marta Nosarewski

Ayokunle Omosebi

Michael F. Potter

Dali Qian

Vivek Rangnekar

Moushumi Sarma

Michael Sheetz

James Simpson

Douglas Robert Strachan

Vitaliy M. Sviripa

Christopher Swartz

Hsin-Hsiung Tai

John S. Thompson

Jon Thorson

David S. Watt

Bruce Webb

Guoqiang Yu

Chang-Guo Zhan

Wen Zhang

Yu-Ming Zhang

Fang Zheng