Scholars@UK Help


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Scholars@UK is a searchable database of University of Kentucky research faculty and staff, containing:

• Information about academic appointments
• Research expertise
• Publication outputs and metrics
• Awarded sponsored grants and contracts
• Patents and other intellectual property
• Equipment and laboratory space
• Additional scholarly accomplishments and affiliations

Each profile includes a specialized “scholarly fingerprint” related to the topical area and expertise of the researcher or research unit. 

Scholars@UK is powered by PURE, Scopus & Elsevier Fingerprint EngineTM


About Scholars@UK

What can I do with Scholars@UK?

Individuals provided profiles on Scholars@UK are able to:

  • Add content detailing career accomplishments
  • Update personal profiles to reflect research interest and areas of expertise

Scholars@UK is also available to anyone wishing to find new collaborators and subject matter experts in specific areas of interest.

How to contact Scholars@UK

Who is included in the Scholars@UK portal?

  • Active, full-time tenured and tenure-eligible faculty
  • Research title series appointments
  • Any employee listed as a PI or Co-I on a sponsored grant or contract
  • Select individuals who conduct research in clinical and special title series appointments

If you are a UK researcher and have questions about your profile, or need information on how to request one, please email:

Please note, new faculty meeting our criteria might experience a delay in profile generation. All academic paperwork must be updated in the faculty database by your department. Once updated, a profile will automatically generate 

What sources supply content for Scholars@UK?

Scholars@UK relies on a wide variety of data sources to deliver its content, including:

  • University of Kentucky SAP HANA data warehouse for HR and faculty database information
  • Grant and contract data from the University of Kentucky Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA)
  • Scopus, SciVal, Web of Science, PubMed, and other publication data sources
  • Additional internal data sources
  • Manual data entry from users
  • Content in UK Knowledge (Digital Commons) will be integrated in October 2021

What content is included in a user profile?

  • Basic profile information such as researcher title(s), research interest descriptions, keywords, contact information and educational background
  • Research and scholarly output including publications, digital and visual works, plays, exhibitions, patents administered through the University of Kentucky and scholarly works
  • Publication citation data from Scopus, an abstract and citation database
  • Awarded extramural grants and contracts administered through the University of Kentucky
  • Organizational unit profiles
  • Descriptions of Research Core Facilities and Research Priority Areas

Who can access Scholars@UK?

Anyone may view content on the public portal (

To update researcher profiles, add new content or correct existing information, researchers can log in to the administrative portal (

How often is Scholars@UK updated?

Scholars@UK is updated nightly. Please note various data sources are updated at different times.

How is Scholars@UK different from Google Scholar

Google Scholar was designed as a search tool to search for scholarly literature and other content throughout the internet. However, it does not have filters in place to only select peer-reviewed articles which may result in unreliable data. Scholars@UK only pulls from databases with publications that have been peer-reviewed and may be a more accurate representation of a researcher’s work.


How can I edit my user profile?

Please note: Changes and updates may take several minutes to render before appearing on your refreshed public profile. Thank you for your patience.

Who has access to update and edit my profile

Scholars@UK is managed by single sign on. You may login using your linkblue credentials to update and add to an existing profile.

Trained college and departmental staff may also have access to update or edit your profile. Find your college or department’s designated “superuser” here.

Adding a photo/editing an existing photo

  • In the Edit Profile section under Metadata, select Add image under the Profile Photo heading
  • In Add new image popup box, drag or upload image (please use only medium or high-resolution headshots for your profile picture, as low-resolution headshots are often blurry and pixelated)
  • Select Portrait under Category
  • Click the Save button in the Edit Profile window when changes are satisfactory

Adding titles, positions and qualifications

Selecting the Add Title button in the Edit Profile section allows the user to add titles after their name (Ph.D., Sc.D., M.D., etc.). Select the Save button in the Edit Profile window when changes are complete.

You can also add qualifications, licenses, directorial or external editorial positions.

Example: In the Edit Profile section, scroll down and select the Add External Position button. Type the organization’s name in the field for it to pull existing organizations. If the organization doesn’t appear, you may create a new organization by selecting the Create New option. External positions and additional qualifications are displayed below the profile in the public portal. Select Save in the Edit Profile window when changes are complete. 

Video: How to add a title

Adding an alternate name or nickname

Under the Edit Profile section, select Add Name Variant. Use the dropdown menu and select the appropriate variant type (i.e.: “known as” or “former/maiden name”).

Select the Save button in the Edit Profile window when changes are complete. 

Video: How to add an alternate name or nickname

Adding personal website links

The Add Links button in the Edit Profile section allows users to add external website links which will be displayed under the user profile photo. The title of the website will appear as a tooltip as users hover their mouse over the globe icon.

After you have entered the website information, select Save in the Edit Profile section when changes are complete. 

Video: How to add a personal website link

Adding personal profile and research interests

Researchers may add text and additional information to their public profile.

In the Edit Profile section, select the Add button under the Curriculum and Research Description section. Enter the new information into the text box provided. Select the Save button in the Edit Profile window when changes are complete. 

Video: How to update your personal profile and research interests

Adding an ORCID ID

In the Edit Profile section, select the Add ID button.
Select the Save button in the Edit Profile window when changes are complete. 

Video: How to add your ORCID ID

Adding profile keywords

Profiles include a section where researchers can add keywords, like free tagging. These keywords are searchable.

To add keywords, visit the Edit Profile section, and scroll to the Keywords heading.
Select the Save button after adding keywords. 

Video: How to add keywords to your profile

Adjusting user Fingerprint

Each database profile automatically includes a "Fingerprint," a set of weighted terms based on a text analysis of publications in PURE, as well as other information added into your profile.

You can remove Fingerprint terms that are no longer relevant, but you cannot add Fingerprints. Additional information entered a profile is indexed, weighted and added into the Fingerprint algorithm.

To remove Fingerprints:
In Edit Profile section, select Fingerprints in the menu on the left. By hovering over a Fingerprint with your mouse, or by using the Tab key to navigate to the chosen Fingerprint, you will see a red X appear on the tag allowing you to remove it. Select the Save button in the Edit Profile window when changes are complete. 

Video: How to remove a fingerprint

Adding honorific awards and prizes to user profiles

A list of honorific awards and prizes compiled by the Proposal Development Office (PDO) has automatically been uploaded to Scholars@UK.

If you would like to include an honorific award or prize not maintained by PDO, there is an option to manually add content using the following steps:

  • Log in to Scholars@UK using the link at the bottom of the website.
  • Select the green Add New button on the right of the screen.
  • Select Prize and choose the type of prize being entered.
  • When the window opens, enter the title, award date and description of the award.
  • To add a granting organization:
    • Select Add a Granting Organization. Users may search for organizations in the existing database or may select Create External Organization if the award was sponsored by an outside agency. 
  • Click on Add Recipient to enter all award winners. "Managed by Organization" automatically defaults to the user’s organization in Scholars@UK. However, users may edit, or tag other organizations as needed.
  • Attach any documents, files or related documents as needed.
  • Once complete, select the Save button. 

Video: Manually adding an award to a user profile

Disable the collaboration map and publication metrics from a user profile

Your profile is automatically defaulted to show your collaboration map and publication metrics (H-index and citation metrics). However, you do have the option to hide these metrics on your profile. This does not delete any data from the backend reporting module, it only removes it from your public profile.

Click Edit Profile and select Portal profile. From this window, you can select or unselect the information you wish to show on your public profile. Click the Save at the bottom of the page. 

Video: How to remove the collaboration map on a user profile

Modify or remove content

Your Scholars@UK profile has been pre-populated with information from several databases. However, you can edit or remove a field using the instructions below. Please note, there are some fields that are “locked” due to the sync process and cannot be edited.

  • Click Edit my Profile and choose Metadata on the menu on the left.
  • Select the field you would like to change.
    • To change the field click Edit and make the change and select Update at the bottom of the pop-up window.
    • To remove a field, click the minus sign to the left of the field you want to remove and select Save button at the bottom of the screen. 

Video: How to remove content on your user profile
Video: How to edit content on your user profile

Why can't I edit some fields

Synchronized fields that are preset to refresh daily from SAP HANA and OSPA data tables are not able to be edited. Outside of start date, if synchronized fields are not pulling over correctly, please reach out to your college editor which can assist in updating the underlying data.

My start date isn't showing correctly in my employee profile

Under Organizational Affiliations you may have noticed your start dates are incorrect. Not to worry, our team has intentionally hard coded dates for appointments. This allows us to sort appointments in order of importance. Please note, start dates are only visible to yourself and any college appointed Editor. Start dates are not public. If you see "Former" beside an appointment, this simply means that appointment is no longer active.  

Add/Remove UN Sustainable Development Goals

Profiles may include UN Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) icons. Contributions towards one or many of the 17 global SGDs are automatically created using Artificial Intelligence technology. Contributions can include work on a grant/contract or publications.

UN Sustainable Development Goals can be removed or added to a profile.

To remove UN Sustainable Development Goals:
In Edit Profile section, select Metadata. Scroll down to SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS and click the minus. Select the Save button in the Edit Profile window when changes are complete.

To add UN Sustainable Development Goals:
In Edit Profile section, select Metadata. Scroll down to SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS and select the Add Sustainable Development Goals. Add relevant goal. Select the Save button in the Edit Profile window when changes are complete.


How can I add scholarly work and publications to my profile?

How to enable an automated search from online resources

Publications are currently imported from Scopus automatically during a weekly sync process.

However, users have the option to include additional online resources such as PubMed and Web of Science (lite). For a complete list of Scholars@UK online resources, please click here

To receive notifications from these publications, users must enable them in their profile: 

  • Select Automated Search from the left-hand menu. Sources available are configured by Administrators.
  • Enable the sources from which you wish to import your publications.
  • Users will be asked to add their author ID(s) or name variants as the basis for the search.
  • Select Save at the bottom of the screen to save changes.

PDF: How to import research from online sources 
Video: How to enable online sources on your profile

Import from an online resource

If you prefer not to turn on automated searches for the online resources, or wish to access a database which currently does not feature automated searches, there is the option to create a single search. This will provide results for a search parameter at the time of the search, but will not send notifications when new content is added. Users may select the publications they wish to import.

  • Log into Scholars@UK using the link at the bottom of the page.
  • Select the green +Add new button on the right.
  • When the pop-up window appears select Research Output, then select Import from Online Source.
  • Select the online resource you wish to search.
  • Enter the information in the search box and select Search.

A list of publications containing the search parameters should appear. You have the option to Import or Remove them.

Video: How to perform a manual search from an online source

Manually add a publication or scholarly work to a user profile

If users have a publication or scholarly work not included in online resources connected to Scholars@UK, they can be manually added:

  • Log in to Scholars@UK using the link at the bottom of the website.
  • Select the green +Add New button on the right of the screen.
  • Select Research Output and choose the publication source.
  • Add peer-review status, published date, title and any other information as needed.
  • Users must enter their name in the author's name field. Users have the option to select any co-authors. If the co-authors have a profile in Scholars@UK, the new publication will show up on their profile as well.
  • "Managed by Organization" automatically defaults to the user’s organization in Scholars@UK. However, users may edit or tag other organizations as needed.
  • Users may also add journals, publishers, attach files or related documents as needed.
  • Once the required questions have been answered, select the Save button at the bottom of the page. 

Video: Manually adding a publication or scholarly work to a profile

My publication/scholarly work is not indexed in SCOPUS. How do I submit a request for Elsevier to index this source?

While SCOPUS and other available data sources represent a wealth of scholarly work, we understand they will not include all completed research outputs.

If you believe your scholarly work should be indexed by SCOPUS, please follow instructions to have the specific journal or resource indexed. Elseiver will process the request and determine if the resource meets their requirements for indexing. While this is not possible for every suggestion, continuous suggestions and outreach are critical for the quality of the SCOPUS database as the project evolves.

Please complete the form below to request to add new titles to Scopus:

More information on this topic can be found on the websites below:

Additional questions: or

NEW! Digital Commons (UKnowledge) integration with Scholars@UK

We are happy to announce that Digital Commons (UKnowledge) has now been added as an import source for Scholars@UK.

To add this source as an automatic search, you will need access to your bepress ID. If you do not know your bepress ID, contact Jennifer Hootman ( with UK Libraries.

How to add your bepress ID to your profile to perform an automated search

  • In the Edit Profile section, select the Add ID button. Select the Bpress ID
  • Select the Save button in the Edit Profile window when changes are complete.
  • You will receive an automated email from Elsevier with the publications associated with your bepress ID in Digital Commons.
  • The publications will also appear in your Tasks section of your Scholars@UK profile where you have the option to import or remove them

How to perform a manual search in the Digital Commons database

  • Log into Scholars@UK using the link at the bottom of the page.
  • Select the green +Add new button on the right.
  • When the pop-up window appears select Research Output, then select Import from Online Source.
  • Select Digital Commons
  • You can create a search for content by entering the article title, bepress ID, or author name and select Search.
  • A list of publications containing the search parameters should appear. You have the option to Import or Remove them.

How to export publications from Google Scholars to add to my research output

Export publications from Google Scholars: 

  • Login to your Google Scholars account 
  • To export all publications, click on the checkbox to the left of TITLE
  • Click on the EXPORT button that appears
  • Select either BibTex or EndNote
    • If you select BibTex, the publications appear in BibTex format. From the File menu in your browser, choose Save Page As...
    • If you select EndNote, a file is automatically downloaded

 Import Google Scholars publications to Scholars@UK Profile:

  • Login to Scholars@UK profile
  • Click the green +Add New button
  • Click Research Output under the choose submission template 
  • Select Import from file 
    • To import BibTex , select BibTex and either upload the BibTex file or paste BibTex text
    • To import EndNote select RIS 
  • Import





Training Opportunities

Join one of our upcoming Open Lab and Training Sessions to learn more about Scholars@UK or how to manage your Scholars@UK profile. These sessions will be offered every other month starting at 3pm via Zoom,

Training Dates: 

March 19th

May 21st

July 16th

September 17th

November 19th