Upcoming Events:

The 7th Annual Substance Use Research Event is scheduled for February, 5 2025. This event is sponsored by the University of Kentucky Office of the Vice President for Research and will feature Dr. Faye Taxman from George Mason University Schar School of Policy and Government and Dr. Matthew Hill from Calgary University Cumming School of Medicine as plenary speakers.
Inquiries about SURE can be sent to
Past Events & Speakers:
SUPRA Substance Use Policy Roundtable
As part of the SUPRA speaker series SUPRA is hosted a roundtable on Substance Use Policy on October 14th at HKRB room 150 from 2:00 pm - 3:30pm, followed by a reception from 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm with small bites and beverages. There was a panel of three speakers Dr. Kristin Ashford, Dr. Jeffery Talbert, and Dr. Michelle Lofwall.
SUPRA Rising Stars Symposium: 2024
SUPRA sponsored an inaugural Rising Stars Symposium, held on October 8, 2024 from 8 AM until 1 PM in the Gatton Student Center. It featured three early career addiction researchers from across the country who shared their novel and exciting findings with us, followed by a networking lunch.
6th Annual Substance Use Research Event (SURE) 2024
The 6th Annual Substance Use Research Event took place on April, 23 2024. This event was sponsored by the University of Kentucky Office of the Vice President for Research and featured Dr. Jibran Khokhar from Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry Western University and Dr. Linda Cottler from The University of Florida as plenary speakers.
Dr. Charles Nichols
As part of our 2024 speaker series titled Psychedelics and Hallucinogens SUPRA welcomed Dr. Charles Nichols from Louisiana State University's Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Dr. Nichols presented his research on April 12, 2024 in the Healthy Kentucky Research Building, room 246. The title of Dr. Nichols's presentation was "Psychedelics: Molecular Effects in the Brain and Preclinical Models to Elucidate Antidepressant Mechanism of Action".