First Steps

Cayuse Animal Oversight (AO) is UK's online animal research protocol management and animal ordering system. It also tracks animal census, personnel training and invoicing. All University of Kentucky animal research protocol applications must be processed via AO. Principal investigators and research staff involved in assisting investigators in preparing protocol applications and/or ordering animals must have user accounts established before they can access AO.

  • Principal Investigator (PI) qualification requirements: The IACUC has established requirements for PIs in IACUC Document 113. New PIs should confirm they meet the requirements before requesting an AO PI user account.
  • PI user accountNew PIs must establish a new user account by completing the Principal Investigator Cayuse AO Account Request form.
  • Non-PI user accounts: New user accounts for the purposes of assisting PIs with protocols and/or animal orders can be requested by completing the Non-PI Cayuse AO Account Request form. Non-PI accounts can have all the same access to work on protocols and order animals as the PI with the exception of electronically signing the protocol assurances page and submitting the protocol to the IACUC.
  • Division of Lab Animal Resources staff accounts: To add new DLAR personnel to the Cayuse AO system, click here.
  • BrowsersChrome (recommended), Firefox and Safari are the supported browsers. Internet Explorer and Edge do not work with AO.
  • Veterinary Consultation: For Vet Consults prior to protocol submission.
  • Start the protocol: Logon to Cayuse AO and begin protocol preparation.
  • Save your work often.