Physics and Astronomy
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  • Feb 3 2021

Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the 10-week “Research in Symmetries” program will take place June 7-Aug. 13, 2021, on UK’s campus. The program focuses on individually mentored research projects in nuclear physics, condensed matter physics and astronomy, through the central theme of symmetry.

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  • Oct 20 2020

The lecture, titled “Deconstructing Space-Time,” will be held 7-8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, on Zoom. Developments in theoretical physics over the past couple of decades have led to a set of ideas that "space" is not a fundamental notion, but arises as an emergent concept from more abstract entities.

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  • Oct 13 2020

Brewington will study magnetic field design for the Los Alamos National Laboratory neutron electric dipole moment experiment, or LANL-nEDM. Gervais will work with both the Nab Experiment and nEDM collaboration at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.

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  • Sep 28 2020

Chris Crawford, a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, is the co-leader of a team that just precisely measured the weak interaction between protons and neutrons, also known as the weak force — one of four fundamental forces in nature.

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  • Sep 16 2020

"The second was to put telescopes in space, allowing us to look at the high energy (X-ray and gamma ray) part of the universe. We can understand the physics behind astronomical phenomena with their high energy properties. Astronomy becomes astrophysics.”

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  • May 14 2020

UK Physics and Astronomy has received its first Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). This highly competitive program will help provide research opportunities for students from regional colleges.

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  • Jan 10 2019

Renbin Yan, an associate professor of physics and astronomy in the UK College of Arts and Sciences, is the principal investigator of the MaNGA Stellar Library project — the biggest and most inclusive star library ever made.

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  • Dec 21 2018

Christopher Crawford, associate professor of physics & astronomy in the College of Arts & Sciences, along with many of his current & former students, are contributing co-authors on a groundbreaking experiment recently featured as the Editor’s Choice in Physical Review Letters.

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  • Oct 5 2018

UK physics Professor Brad Plaster’s research on the tiniest particles has potentially massive repercussions.

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  • Mar 28 2018

The talk, “Quantum Computing and the Entanglement Frontier,” will take place 4:15 p.m. Friday, April 6, in the Jacobs Science Building auditorium. The talk is jointly sponsored by the UK Department of Physics and Astronomy, the UK Department of Computer Science and the UK Graduate School.