Promoting a Current Staff Member

Promoting a Current Staff Member

These are the steps you will need to take to promote a current UK Employee. The position description and Major Job Responsibilities (MJRs) will change and result in a higher salary grade and a new title.

1. Revise the Position Description & Submit to the Budget Officer.

In the Integrated Employment System using your Position Coordinator role, you will complete a Re-Eval, No Post action and revise the position description. The Position Coordinator will submit to the Research Human Resources Director (Budget Officer role in IES).

2. Budget Office Review

The Human Resources team in the Research Administrative & Fiscal Affairs office will review the position description and submit to Compensation.

3. Compensation Review

The Compensation office will review & recommend a new pay grade and new title for the position. Once these two items have been finalized, Compensation will create the revise the position details in SAP. We will receive an email with the new details for the position.

4. Salary Recommendation

If you are providing a pay increase upon the re-evaluation of the position, you will complete a Salary Recommendation form. Once this form is completed, please email it to Toni Smith along with any justification required.

  • Salary Recommendations that have a salary over the midpoint of the Salary Scale must attach a justification. Please include this justification when submitting the Salary Recommendation to Toni Smith.
  • Salary Recommendations for a current UK employee that have a salary increase greater than 10% must attach a justification. (If the salary is also over the midpoint, only one justification is required). Please include this justification when submitting the Salary Recommendation to Toni Smith.

5. Budget Officer Review of Salary Recommendation

The Budget Officer will review the Salary Recommendation to ensure it meets all university policies. If the Salary Recommendation is over the midpoint or has a salary increase greater than 10%, the Budget Officer will submit the Salary Recommendation to the Dean/Director for additional approval per the VPR Delegated Signature Authority. If it is under the midpoint and the salary increase is not greater than 10%, the Budget Officer will submit directly to Compensation.

6. Compensation Review & Approval of the Salary Recommendation

The Compensation Office will conduct a final review of the Salary Recommendation. Upon approval, an email will be sent stating the Salary Recommendation has been approved. The promotion can now be entered into SAP and a letter stating the details of the reclassification can be given to the employee.

7. Enter the promotion details in SAP

You will need to complete a PA40 Position Update (pdf, 3pgs) action in SAP to apply the new grade, title, and salary for your promoted employee. Once completed, send a copy of the PAR to Compensation.