This program enhances the university's research enterprise by assisting researchers in developing large complex grants that involve more than three researchers from multiple departments. These grants include program projects, center grants or other research efforts that require several faculty and/or institutions. These grants are primarily to provide support for the preparation of complex grant applications.

Costs supported by these grants include:

  • The cost of outside consultants or external advisory committees that assist in the development process.
  • Partial costs of clerical support used in the application process. 
  • Partial costs of essential travel.

There are no deadlines and applications will be accepted any time. Awards will generally be from $2,500 to $20,000 and costs should be commensurate with the proposal work. Awards will be for one year only from the date of the award.

This program will not support faculty salaries, graduate assistantships, graduate tuition and fees, postdoctoral fellows, travel to meetings, equipment, routine office equipment, or laptop computers. 

The application is limited to 10 pages (12-point type) and is to contain the following compiled into a single PDF document that should be sent by an Associate Dean for Research to

  • Abstract of proposed work (250 words). External funding agency application format is acceptable.
  • Explain what you are going to do with support. Be precise about how the requested funds will directly support some activity critical to submission and future funding of the complex grant.  Include an itemized budget.
  • Address how the proposed work will advance the development of a strong research application.
  • List the current collaborations of the faculty involved in this research effort, particularly with one another and how those collaborations enhance the proposed complex grant proposal.
  • Brief biographical sketch.
  • A copy of the extramural program announcement or hyperlinks to such information.
  • Past critiques of similar submissions, if relevant.

Generally reviews will take no more than 30 days with notification of application status relayed to the applicant shortly thereafter. The reviewers will consider if the proposal is feasible, is valuable research and has a good possibility of receiving favorable status with external funding sources.

Funding recipients must submit a final report within six months of award expiration. Final reports are limited to two pages.  Research expects that this report will include the submitted grant and any available critiques. Failure to submit a final report will preclude future awards until the report is submitted.