Faculty Recruitment and Retention Program

The Neuroscience Research Priority Area (NRPA) provides broad-based support for neuroscience research across the University of Kentucky. As part of this initiative, the NRPA Faculty Recruitment and Retention Program is a mechanism for support of new faculty who will be or retain tenure-track faculty who are engaged in multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary neuroscience-related research.

The purpose of this program is to provide start-up funds to all new tenured, tenure-track, and continuing-status faculty to help them establish their research program at the university. The program may also provide funds to existing faculty to assist them in re-activating research programs or in situations where support is needed to retain a faculty member at risk of leaving the university.

New faculty often require equipment and other support to begin or continue their scholarly work. Recruitment grants are to be used to contribute to the establishment of research programs that can be sustained over time. Departments recruiting new faculty are expected to use these resources to support new faculty to facilitate the acquisition of federal grant funding or other external funds.

The faculty member who receives this grant must submit an annual report reflecting their progress and accomplishments to the NRPA at NeuroscienceRPA@uky.edu.

Program Budget & Timeline

The NRPA Faculty Recruitment and Retention program will accept applications for two awards of approximately $25,000 each, twice each year (total available support for the program is $100,000 each year; total amount may vary depending on available funds).

Winter proposals: January 1 deadline for February award notifications

Summer proposals: June 1 deadline for July award notifications

Program Grant Details

All NRPA Faculty Recruitment and Retention grants should be expended within two years of the initial hiring date for new faculty and when the funds are dispersed to retain faculty.

After two years, any remaining funds will revert to the NRPA on a pro-rated basis. In unusual circumstances requiring strong justification, exceptions to this expiration time frame may be requested in writing. If approved, the remaining funds may be carried forward for up to six months. At the end of this time, unspent funds will revert to the NRPA.

NRPA Faculty Recruitment and Retention grants cannot be used for faculty salary, furniture, visa fees, moving expenses, or any expense that is prohibited under university policies.

Unless otherwise specified, NRPA Faculty Recruitment and Retention grants may be used for the purchase of necessary equipment and supplies, travel, other research-related expenses, staff, trainees, or temporary personnel. All UK guidelines and procedures must be followed when hiring personnel.  Items purchased with recruitment grants are the property of the faculty’s college and are intended for the professional use of the faculty member and/or program(s) of that faculty member. Items purchased with recruitment/retention grants remain with the department upon the departure of the faculty member from the university.

Application Format

Instructions: All materials should be combined into a single PDF document. Margins should be at least 1/2 inch and the font size should be between 10 and 12 points and submitted to the NRPA’s Research Program Manager, Laura Muzinic, at NeuroscienceRPA@uky.edu.

Applications should include the following documents:

  1. Completed application Cover Page with required signature(s)
  2. Candidate’s research plan (1 page)
    • Include research objectives, rationale, hypotheses, aims, and potential for multidisciplinary collaboration.
  3. Candidate’s NIH or NSF-style biosketch (5-page limit)
  4. Letter of support from the Department Chair or Center Director

** As with our other programs, applications will be sent for review. **