Proposal Development Training

Upcoming Events

College of Medicine GURU (Get yoUr gRant fUnded) 2025

This intensive grant writing course for College of Medicine faculty focuses on NIH R01 or equivalent types of applications. Participation of by pre-registration only.

Topics covered in this series include the following:

Session 1: Overview of the NIH grant process and expectations

Thursday, February 20, 2-4pm


Session 2: Specific Aims

Thursday, February 27, 2-4 pm


Session 3: Significance and Innovation

Thursday, March 20, 2-4 pm


Session 4: Approach

Thursday, March 27, 2-4 pm


Session 5Course Wrap-up

Thursday, April 17, 2-4 pm


Presented by Phil Kern, MD; Kathy Doyle Grzech, MA; Barb Duncan, PhD

Friday High-Five with PDO: Introduction to NSF CAREER for Early Faculty

Explore this prestigious NSF award that supports research and education plans for non-tenured faculty. What steps do you need to take to apply in July?

This is the second session of "Friday High-Five with PDO," the Proposal Development Office's new weekly workshop series.

March 28, 2025, 11am-12noon

Presented by Shana Herron


Introduction to PDO Services

This workshop for NIH-funded trainees will outline the proposal development route at UK and introduce the services the Proposal Development Office (PDO) provides to UK grantseekers.

March 28, 2025, 11am-12noon

Presented by Lou Hurst & Halley Todd

UK Center for Clinical & Translational Services (CCTS)

Past Events

The NIH F31: Research Plan II

This course session of MI 704 will cover elements of the Research Plan narrative for an NIH F31 application: Significance, Innovation, and Rigor of Prior Research.

March 3, 2025, 11:00 AM -12:00 noon

Presented by Lou Hurst

UK College of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics

PDO presents: Navigating UK's Grants Support Services and SciENcv QuickSTART

This session will first walk through the grant life cycle at UK from concept ideation through submission, award and post-award administration. We will outline the full range of support services available; describe when, where and how to request these services; and clarify roles of the PI and the various grants support staff. The second part of the session will provide an overview of SciENcv and upcoming changes to the NIH biosketch forms. Topics will include: Planning for the upcoming changes to the NIH Biosketch or Common Forms; signing up for an ORCID ID; connecting your ORCID ID to your eraCommons Profile; creating an NIH Biosketch in SciENcv; and assigning a "delegate" to enter your information.

February 12, 2025, 2:00-3:00pm

Presented by Lou Hurst and Barb Duncan

UK ASCEND (Achieving Success in Community-Engaged research to elimiNate Disparities)


Writing White Papers for DOD

This session will focus on how to present your research ideas to the Department of Defense (DOD) by writing effective white papers in response to its Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs). White papers are a key tool for initiating a relationship with a DOD Program Officer and building a stream of DOD funding to help sustain your career. We will cover:

  • DOD’s funding approach, organizations and mechanisms
  • Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs): what they are, how to read them
  • Strategies for communicating with Program Officers
  • Developing white papers in response to BAAs
    • Available formats/templates
    • Content

February 13, 2025, 11am-12noon

Presented by Lou Hurst

Center for Applied Energy Research (in-person)

Participants will receive an introduction to the National Institutes of Health and acquire tips for writing and refining this sponsor’s F31 application documents.

January 16, 2025, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Presented by Erik Davidshofer

Toxicology 780 Grant-writing Class

Writing a Compelling Specific Aims Page for NIH Proposals

This workshop will present a commonly used structure for writing a compelling Specific Aims page for NIH proposals. The structure is advantageous, as it that can be adapted to multiple NIH funding mechanisms. 

January 27, 2025,  11 AM to 12 PM

Presented by Erik Davidshofer

UK Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics

NIH’s Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy, which went into effect in January 2023, has established new requirements for grant applicants to put forward a plan explaining how their research data will be made accessible to other researchers and the public. At this session, Research Data Librarian Isaac Wink will cover the major elements of the policy researchers need to know and provide guidance on writing successful data management and sharing plans. Specific topics will include:

* An overview of the DMS Policy and its requirements

* Resources for developing a DMS plan

* Suggestions for selecting a data repository and budgeting for data management and sharing

* Perspectives on data management practices to ensure that scientific data is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR).

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

12:00pm -1:00pm EST

This is an online event.  Event URL will be sent via registration email.

Click here for required registration. There are 99 seats available.

College of Medicine GURU (Get yoUr gRant fUnded)

This intensive grant writing course for College of Medicine faculty focuses on NIH R01 or equivalent types of applications. Participation of by pre-registration only.

Topics covered in this series include the following:

Session 1: Overview of the NIH grant process and expectations

Wednesday September 18, 2-4 pm


Session 2: Specific Aims

Wednesday September 25, 2-4 pm


Session 3: Significance and Innovation

Wednesday October 16, 2-4 pm


Session 4: Approach

Wednesday October 30, 2-4 pm


Session 5Course Wrap-up

Wednesday November 20, 2-4 pm


Presented by Phil Kern, MD; Kathy Doyle Grzech, MA; Barb Duncan, PhD

SciENcv QuickSTART: A Guide to Creating an NIH Biosketch Using SciENcv

Join us in this overview session of SciENcv to learn more about the upcoming changes to the NIH biosketch and to get you started on the process.

Topics will include: 

  • Planning for the upcoming changes to the NIH Biosketch or Common Forms
  • Signing up for an ORCID ID
  • Connecting your ORCID ID to your eraCommons Profile
  • Creating an NIH Biosketch in SciENcv
  • Assigning a "delegate" to enter your information

Speaker: Barbara Duncan

December 4th from 2:00-3:00 p.m. 

via Zoom

A recording of this session and its slides are available on the PDO Docs SharePoint.


Mapping your Proposal Route: A Guide to UK’s Grants Support Services

This session will walk through the grant life cycle at UK from concept ideation through submission, award and post-award administration. We will outline the full range of support services available; describe when, where and how to request these services; and clarify roles of the PI and the various grants support staff. The session will include a live Q&A with representatives from the Proposal Development Office (PDO), Foundation & Corporate Philanthropy (FCP), Collaborative Grant Services (CGS), and the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA).   

Wednesday, December 4, 1:00-2:00pm


Lou Hurst (PDO)

Jessica Koenigsknecht-Talboo (FCP)

Charolette Garland (CGS)

Clair Abney (CGS)

Honey Elder (OSPA)

Zoom link

A recording of this session is available on the PDO Docs SharePoint.

Overview of PDO Services

November 20, 2024

Presented by Karin Pekarchik

Sponsored by the UK Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Advice for Academic Writing: Focus on Grant Proposals

November 20, 2024

Presented by Lou Hurst

Sponsored by the UK Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 

PDO and CGS Services: A Combined Approach

This workshop will introduce UK Proposal Development Office services and distinctions from Collaborative Grant Services services. Hands-on Pivot training to establish Pivot profiles and identify funding  opportunities in this subscription database.

Monday, November 18th, 2024 - 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.

Presenter: Kathy Grzech

Hands-on Pivot team: Erik Davidshofer, Barb Duncan, Ben Southworth, Halley Todd

College of Design Faculty Advancement Workshop

PDO Honors & Awards Fall Workshops

PDO Honor and Awards is offering an interactive workshop (offered three times) to help faculty at all career stages learn how to position themselves for career-boosting external honors and awards.

Topics covered include:

  • How honors and awards add to scholarship
  • Strategic planning and stepping stones for your career stage
  • Envisioning your career trajectory

The one-hour workshop will be offered on the following days:

September 18, 2pm

October 16, 2pm

November 13, 2pm

Register here

Presented by Allison Elliott & Karin Pekarchik

Interactive Grant Writing Workshop Part 2

October 11, 2024, 2pm

Presented by Karin Pekarchik

UK M-G CAFE Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition

Find Grant Opportunities Using Pivot and PDO Funding Alerts

This workshop will cover how to find grant opportunities across various disciplines using the Pivot funding opportunities database and PDO Funding Alerts.


Thursday, October 31 – 2:00-3:00 PM

Presented by Erik Davidshofer

  Zoom registration


Sponsoring unit:

UK Proposal Development Office

Getting Started with PDO Honors and Awards

September 4, 2024, 3pm

Presented by Karin Pekarchik and Allison Elliott

UK College of Engineering Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

AppalTRuST Scholars Meeting

This workshop for the UK Appalachian Tobacco Regulatory Science Team (AppalTRuST) Scholars will cover considerations for developing a proposal to the recently-released Tobacco Regulatory Science (TRS) Pilot Funding RFA.  It will also present general advice for reviewing a funding opportunity and developing a responsive proposal, as well as an overview of resources and support available from PDO.

August 20, 2024, 11:00am- 12noon

Presented by Lou Hurst

Location: virtual

Jump Start Your Grant-seeking Work with the Pivot Funding Opportunities Database

This workshop will cover how to find and track suitable grant opportunities for energy and materials science using the Pivot funding opportunities database. In this hands-on session, attendees will learn how to use Pivot’s search functions, claim and refine their researcher profiles, and deploy tools for staying up-to-date with funding opportunities such as saved searches, curated searches, and newsletters.

 June 12, 2024, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Presented by Erik Davidshofer and Lou Hurst

UK Center for Applied Energy Research

Grant-writing Basics: A Framework for Success

This workshop will cover planning steps prior to writing a proposal, characteristics of a competitive proposal, strategies for writing the overview page of a proposal, and ways to present proposal information effectively to reviewers.

June 4, 2024, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Presented by Erik Davidshofer

UK College of Medicine

Department of Defense, DEPSCoR Research Collaborations

May 20    12:00- 1:00             Zoom registration

Presented by Lou Hurst

This program, which is only available to researchers in states with DEPSCoR designation, encourages collaborations on basic research projects in 16 science and engineering topics between a researcher who is new to DOD funding and a partner who has had a DOD grant within the last 5 years. We will cover strategies for finding suitable collaborators (including some here at UK), structuring a successful collaboration, and presenting the proposed collaborative research at both the white paper and full proposal stage.

White Papers are due June 24, 2024

National Science Foundation, Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER)

May 15     12:00- 1:00             Zoom registration

Presented by Shana Herron

The NSF CAREER program awards prestigious five-year grants to non-tenured faculty for integrated research and education programs in any of the science, engineering and education fields NSF supports. We will analyze successful CAREER proposals and discuss UK models and resources for education plans.

Full Proposals are due July 24, 2024

Funding Opportunities Workshop

April 8, 2024, time TBA

Presented by Allison Elliott

UK College of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics

The NIH F31: RCR & Facilities

Participants will learn about the concept of Responsible Conduct Research and considerations for preparing the Facilities and Other Resources document for an NIH F31 application.

April 3, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Presented by Lou Hurst

UK College of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics

Tips on Writing a Compelling IRC Application

March 18, 2024, 12 PM to 1 PM, via Zoom

Participants will

1) gain insights into the UK Igniting Research Collaborations (IRC) program requirements, priorities, and review processes;

2) learn strategies for developing a two-page IRC proposal; and

3) introduce Proposal Development Office services to support IRC proposal development.

Presented by Kathy Grzech

To learn more:


Introduction to PDO Services

February 28, 2024, Time TBA

Presented by Marjorie Stanek

UK Department of Sociology

Find Funding Opportunities Using the Pivot Database

Upon completing this training, participants will be able to identify the main features of the Pivot database and conduct funding searches using this tool.

February 27, 2024, 12:00 PM to 12:50 PM

Presented by Erik Davidshofer

UK College of Dentistry

Developing an NIH Biosketch

This presentation will discuss the importance of the biosketch in NIH grant applications and provide guidance on the content to include when developing this document.

February 14, 2024, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Presented by Barb Duncan

Disparities Researchers Equalizing Access for Minorities (DREAM) Scholars Program

Writing the Specific Aims Page for NIH Proposals

January 22, 2024,  11 AM to 12 PM

Presented by Erik Davidshofer and Karin Pekarchik

UK Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics


January 11, 2024, 2 PM to 3 PM

Presented by Erik Davidshofer

UK Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry


Advice for Academic Writing: Focus on Grant Proposals

This workshop covers the features and considerations that set grant writing apart from other kinds of academic writing, and introduces drafting Concept Papers as a way to practice "selling" your ideas to potential funders.

Thursday, January 11, 2024 at 1PM to 1:30PM,

Presented by Lou Hurst

UK Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Faculty Council


New Faculty: How to Navigate PDO Services

January 11, 2024 at  1:30pm – 2pm

Presented by Karin Pekarchik

UK Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Faculty Council


PDO Orientation to Research Resources

The NIH F31: Research Plan II

This course session will cover elements of the Research Plan narrative for an NIH F31 application: Significance, Innovation, and Rigor of Prior Research.

February 26, 2024, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM

Presented by Lou Hurst

UK College of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics

Writing and Implementing an NSF Data Management and Sharing Plan

July 8   11:00 AM-12:00             Zoom Link

Presented by Isaac Wink

This session, led by UK Libraries' Research Data Librarian Isaac Wink, will provide an overview of NSF Data Management and Sharing plan requirements, resources for developing a plan, suggestions for selecting a data repository and budgeting for data management and sharing, and perspectives on data management practices to ensure that scientific data is findable, accessible, interoperable, and reproducible.

Introduction to Fellowships

July 2     11:30am-12:30am

Presented by Lou Hurst

UK College of Medicine

Introduction to PDO Services

August 28, 2024, 1pm

Presented by Karin Pekarchik

UK Dean of Students and Belonging Directors

Writing a Compelling Specific Aims Page

This workshop will present a commonly used structure for writing a compelling Specific Aims page. The structure is advantageous, as it that can be adapted to multiple sponsors and funding mechanisms.  

September 18, 2024, 12:00 PM -1:30 PM

Presented by Erik Davidshofer

Disparities Researchers Equalizing Access for Minorities (DREAM) Scholars Program

Introduction to PDO Services and Grant Writing Part 1

October 2, 2024, 2pm

Presented by Karin Pekarchik

UK M-G CAFE Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition

Friday High-Five with PDO: What Can PDO Do for You? Tools, Resources & Services

In this inaugural session of "Friday High-Five with PDO," the Proposal Development Office's new weekly workshop series, we will introduce you to our office and the array of services and resources we offer to UK investigators seeking grants.

March 21, 2025, 11am-12noon

Presented by Lou Hurst