DLAR Veterinary Research Services Equipment
In-House Hematology Test
Complete Blood Count
IDEXX ProCyte DX Hematology Analyzer
Required Sample type: at least 50 µL of Whole blood
- EDTA tubes (lavender tube)
- Homemade tubes: the concentration of EDTA should not exceed 3mg/mL
When collecting samples, it is important to fill the tube according to the tube manufacture's specifications and thoroughly mix samples after adding blood to tube by inverting tube multiple times, Do not shake sample vials. A clotted sample will yield incorrect results.
Run samples within 4 hours of collection, refrigerate for up to 12 hours.
- Medical Center (MB018)
- Healthy Kentucky Research Building (HKRB 072)
CBC Cost:
- See Current Per Diem Rates and Charges.
All samples will be run by DLAR Veterinary Services (VS) Staff. Please coordinate with Taylour Mims or Nikki Caudill prior to collecting blood samples to ensure samples may be run in a timely manner.
Manual Differential: Peripheral Blood Smear can be made at your request and read by VS at the current Vet Tech Time charge with a minimum charge of 30 minutes, or given to you for evaluation
Dot Plots:
- Dot plots can be used to identify abnormalities within patient samples. Each dot represents an individual cell in this critical component of a complete blood count. Viewed together, they provide a snapshot of cellular morphology. Interpreting dot plots
Serum Chemistry
All Samples will be Processed by DLAR VS Personnel please contact Taylour Mims or Nikki Caudill prior to collecting blood samples to ensure samples may be run in a timely manner.
Required Sample type: at least 100 µL of Serum
- Serum separator tubes (marble top or plain red top no additive tubes)
Run samples within 5 hours of collection or refrigerate up to 48 hours or freeze samples up to 5 weeks.
In-House standard profile:
Comprehensive Diagnostic Profile: GLU, ALB, ALP, ALT, AMY, BUN, Ca, CRE, GLOB, K+, Na+, PHOS, TBIL, TP
Chemistry Cost:
- See Current Per Diem Rates and Charges.
- Vet Tech Time minimum 30 minutes
- Each rotor/sample takes 15 minutes to yield results
If a rotor yields an error of “insufficient sample” and a sample must be run again, the extra rotor(s) will be charged.
To view other Blood Chemistry Profiles or in the orange bar click on Test profiles if you are using the Abaxis VS2 link above. Use the navigation arrows to scroll right through the 12 selections.
- Rotors must be ordered by requesting lab through Lori Lunsford
Other Available Profiles for Abaxis VetScan2:
Electrolyte plus: Cl-, K+, Na+, tCO2
Kidney Profile Plus: GLU, ALB, BUN, Ca, Cl-, CRE, K+, Na+, PHOS, tCO2
Mammalian Liver Profile: ALB, ALP, ALT, BA, BUN, CHOL, GGT, TBIL
Contact Lori Lunsford for current pricing.