Weaning Mice and Rat Pups
When weaning pups into a clean cage, always place feed pellets that have been moistened with water on the cage floor to help initiate the weaning process. Even if the cage is to be placed on a rack with auto-watering attached, it is essential that the cage also is provided a water bottle. Most weanlings do not know how to use the auto-watering value (lixit), so before placing the cage on the rack, make sure the lixit is “charged” (flowing) and has a drop of water hanging for the animals to see, smell, and taste. Do this by toggling the lixit with a gloved finger before placing the cage back on the rack.
When separating new weanlings, place a light purple weaning card provided by DLAR and record the weaning date under the pre-printed heading “Newly Weaned Litter”. The purpose of this card is to alert DLAR husbandry staff to young mice that may need extra attention to be sure they are thriving.
For the first two weeks after weaning, the lixit and water bottle should be left in place. After this period, most pups have learned that water is available from the lixit and the bottle can be removed. Prior to removing the water bottle, ensure that the cage has access to water by checking that the lixit it is “charged” (flowing). Occasionally there are cages of animals that still do not know how to use the auto-watering valves after this two-week period. If the animals are not drinking, repeat “charging” the lixit for a few days. Continue to monitor these cages to prevent decline in condition.
If you have weanlings that seem small for their age, soft diets are also available that can provide them a little extra support during the first few days. DLAR has Diet Gel 76A in stock for purchase. One (1) cup contains enough diet to feed a cage of 5 mice or 1 rat for 24 hours. This diet contains both food and water. For additional information on this product please visit the following website: https://www.clearh2o.com/shop/animal-research-products/nutrition-products/dietgel/