IRB Survival Handbook
Administrative Regulations (UK)
- Administrative Regulation 7:4 (formerly III-4.0-6) Human Research Subject Protection and Institutional Review Boards [HTML]
- Administrative Regulation 7:1 (formerly II-4.0-2) Research Misconduct [HTML]
- Administrative Regulation 7:2 (formerly II-4.0-4) Research Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure Policy [HTML]
- Administrative Regulation 7:9 Institutional Conflicts of Interest Involving Research [HTML]
- Administrative Regulation 10:1 Use of Technology Resources [HTML]
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Research
- UK Advance Research Recommendations
- UK Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence
- UK College of Medicine Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM) Alliance
- Considerations for IRB Review of Research Involving Artificial Intelligence- Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections (SACHRP)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Types and Use in Biomedical Research, National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- FDA Digital Health Policy Navigator to determine if AI/ML Software/Algorithm is subject to FDA Oversight and Regulatory Requirements
- CITI Webinar Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Subject Protection. See the instructions for accessing the webinar from the Optional Course menu on CITI.
Banks, Repositories, Registries, Specimen/Tissue, Genetic/Genomic Data Sharing
- UK Research Biospecimen Bank Guidance [D129.0000] [PDF]
- UK Research Registry Guidance [D130.0000] [PDF]
- Sample Repository/Registry/Bank Consent [F1.0170] [WORD]
- Summary and Guidance Regarding the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) [D101.0000] [PDF]
- Guidance on the NIH Genome Data Sharing (GDS) Policy [D104.0000] [PDF]
- UK Guide For Determining When Protocols Involving Coded Private Information or Biological Specimens Meet the Federal Definition of “Human Research” [D117.0000] [PDF]
- UK Information for IRB Application when Creating a New Biospecimen Bank [D166.0000] [PDF]
- OHRP Guidance on Research Involving Coded Private Information or Biological Specimens [T27.0000] [HTML]
- NIH Decision Chart for Research Involving Private Information or Biological Specimens [T65.0000] [PDF]
- IRB Application Guidelines and materials to submit for “Form EE” (Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)) [F1.2300] [HTML]
- IBC/IRB/ORI Coordination SOP [C6.0100] [PDF]
- DHHS - The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 - Information for Researchers and Health Care Professionals [D106.0000] [PDF]
- Human Genetic Research -- OHRP: IRB Guidelines, Chapter 5, Section H [T14.0000] [PDF]
- OHRP Guidance for Investigators and IRBs Regarding Research Involving Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Germ Cells and Stem Cell-Derived Test Articles [D74.0000] [PDF]
- FDA’s "Guidance on Informed Consent for In Vitro Diagnostic Device Studies Using Leftover Human Specimens that are Not Individually Identifiable" [T12.0000] [PDF]
- FDA Blood & Blood Products [HTML]
- HIPAA and Research Repositories [HTML]
- NIH Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy [HTML]
Children (Including Wards of the State\Emancipated Individuals) (Vulnerable Subjects)
Research Involving Children [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information on research involving children.
- IRB Application “Form W” (Children in Research) [F1.1750] [PDF]
- IRB Application Instructions for Vulnerable Populations - Children [F1.1775] [HTML]
- IRB Application Instructions for Assent (Informed Consent/Assent Process) [Medical F1.0225; Nonmedical F2.0250] [HTML]
- Informed Consent SOP [C3.0050] [PDF]
- Protection of Vulnerable Subjects SOP [C3.0100] [PDF]
- Guidance for Enrolling K-12 Students as Research Subjects [D79.0000] [PDF]
- UK ORI Parent Permission Sample [PDF]
- Assent Process for Children under 18 years of age [HTML]
- OHRP Special Protections for Children as Research Subjects [HTML]
- OHRP FAQs on Research with Children [HTML]
- UK IRB Policy on Children in Research [D22.0000] [PDF]
- U.S. Dept. of Education/Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) [D60.0000] [PDF]
- Summary of Children Regulations (Subpart D) [D61.0000] [PDF]
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Guidance [D31.0000] [PDF]
- UK ORI Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Guidance [PDF]
Clinical Trials
- What you need to know for conducting clinical trials [HTML]
- Research Participants [HTML]
- Definition of clinical research vs. clinical trial [HTML]
- OSPA Clinical Trial Agreements Information Site [HTML]
- OSPA Guidance and General Information [HTML]
- Non-Indemnification Policy/Risk Management Committee (RMC) [HTML]
- Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS) [HTML]
Community-Engaged/Participatory Research
- Community-Engaged and Community-Based Participatory Research Frequently Asked Questions [D115.0000] [PDF]
- NIH Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Program [HTML]
- UK Cares Community Engaged Research Training [HTML]
- K-12 Teacher & Support Staff Human Subject Protection (HSP) Training [Launch Course]
Confidentiality/Privacy/Data Security
- Privacy vs. Confidentiality - What's the Difference? [D32.0000] [PDF]
- UK/ORI Certificate of Confidentiality Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) [D56.0000] [PDF]
- Methods for De-identification for Honest Brokers [HTML]
- UK Confidentiality and Data Security Guidelines for Electronic Data [D105.0000] [PDF]
- UK Information Technology Services Information Security Policy & Procedures [HTML]
- UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Guidance [PDF]
- HIPAA in Human Research [HTML]
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Guidance [D31.0000] [PDF]
- IRB Review and Digital Data Considerations [D131.0000] [PDF]
- Considerations for Protocol Design Concerning Digital Data [D132.0000] [PDF]
- UK ORI Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Guidance [PDF]
- Cybersecurity Compliance at the University of Kentucky [HTML]
- UK Information Technology (ITS) Approved Software - Website [HTML], List [HTML]
Conflict of Interest/Significant Financial Interest
- DHHS Financial Conflict of Interest Guidance: Financial Relationships and Interests in Research Involving Human Subjects [D73.0000] [HTML]
- IRB Member Conflict of Interest:
- Investigator Conflict of Interest
Continuation Review/Annual Administrative Review
Continuation Review (CR)/Annual Administrative Review (AAR) [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information on developing a Continuation Review application and the Continuation Review process.
Select Forms/Guidance:
- Sample CR Report Form [F14.0000] [PDF]
- Continuation/Annual Administrative Review SOP [C2.0250] [PDF]
- Time-Saving Tips for Continuation Review of an IRB Approved Study [D40.0000] [PDF]
- OHRP Guidance on Continuing Review of Research [T5.0000] [HTML]
- IRB Continuing Review After Clinical Investigational Approval (FDA Info Sheets 2000) [T6.0000] [PDF]
- IRB Continuation Review: Primary Reviewer Checklist [F28.0000] [PDF]
Deception Research
Debriefing and Permission to Use Data Form [F1.0365] [Word]
Recommended Readings:
- Seiber, Joan E. Planning Ethically Responsible Research: A Guide for Students and Internal Review Board. Vol. 31, SAGE Publications, 1992, pp. 64-74.
- Sieber, Joan E, and Martin Tolich. Planning Ethically Responsible Research. 2nd ed., SAGE, 2013.
- Sieber, Joan E. “Deception in Social Research I: Kinds of Deception and the Wrongs They May Involve.” IRB: Ethics and Human Research, vol. 4, no. 9, Nov. 1982, pp. 1–5.
- Sieber, Joan E. “Deception in Social Research II: Evaluating the Potential for Harm or Wrong.” IRB: Ethics and Human Research, vol. 5, no. 1, Jan. 1983, pp. i-3.
Department Chair Responsibilities
- What Does the Department Chairperson's Assurance Statement on the IRB application mean? [D17.0000] [PDF]
- EVPR Memo: Department Chairperson’s Assurance Statement on Institutional Review Board Applications [D16.0000] [PDF]
- IRB Application Form Z (Signature Assurance Sheet) [F1.2000] [PDF]
- IRB Application Guidance for Form Z [F1.2050] [HTML]
Devices (Medical Devices including Mobile Medical Devices/Software)
- IRB Application “Study Device Form” (Use of Any Device Being Tested in Research ) [F1.1100] [PDF]
- IRB Application Instructions for Study Device [F1.1150] [HTML]
- UK ORI Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Interactive Flow Chart: Medical Device Trials [HTML]
- FDA Digital Health Policy Navigator Tool for determining if a Mobile App or Software is an FDA-regulated medical device [HTML]
- Medical Device Clinical Investigations , Compassionate Use, and Treatment IDE SOP [C3.0150] [PDF]
- Humanitarian Use Device SOP [C3.0200] [PDF]
- Summary of FDA Requirements For Investigators Who Are Also Considered Sponsors of New Devices [D45.0000] [PDF]
- Summary of FDA Regulations on Investigational Device Exemptions (IDE) and Exemption from IDE Requirements [D97.0000] [PDF]
- Flow Charts for Applications of FDA IND and IDE Regulations [D127.0000] [PDF]
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Resources [D116.0000] [PDF]
- IRB Review of Medical Device Research [D110.0000] [PDF]
- IRB Summary - Humanitarian Use Devices [21 CFR Parts 20 and 814 Subpart H] [D54.0000] [PDF]
Digital Technology and Internet Research
Determining if FDA Regulations apply to Digital Technology [HTML]
- IRB Review and Digital Data Considerations [D131.0000] [PDF]
- Considerations for Protocol Design Concerning Digital Data [D132.0000] [PDF]
- UK ORI Interactive Tool for Determining if an Application or Software is an FDA-regulated Medical Device [HTML]
Suggested Reading (not adopted by UK IRB):
- Ethical Decision-Making and Internet Research: Version 2.0 (Recommendations from the Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR) Ethics Working Committee) [PDF]
- Internet Research Ethics (from Stanford University) [HTML]
- Social Networking and Ethics (from Stanford University) [HTML]
- Secretary's Advisory Committee on Human Research Protection (SACHRP) Considerations and Recommendations Concerning Internet Research and Human Subjects Research Regulations [PDF]
- Buchanan, E. A. (2011). Internet Research Ethics: Past, Present, and Future. In The Handbook of Internet Studies (eds M. Consalvo and C. Ess). (Available at the William T. Young Library)
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity
- University of Kentucky (UK) Office of Research Integrity (ORI) Guidance: Gender Inclusive Language [PDF]
- University of Kentucky (UK) Office of Research Integrity (ORI) Video: Use of Gender-Inclusive Language [HTML Video]
- Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard: Achieving Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in Clinical Research [HTML], Guidance Document [HTML], Toolkit [HTML], LGBTQIA+ Inclusion – Inclusive Language Checklist [HTML]
- CITI article on SACHRP Recommendations for the Ethical Review and Inclusion of LGBTQI+ Participants in Human Subjects Research [HTML]
- Northwestern Evidence-based Recommendations for Ethical Research Practices with SGM Adolescents [HTML]
Drugs/Dietary Supplements
- IRB Application “Study Drug Form” (Use of Any Drug Being Tested in Research ) [F1.0900] [PDF]
- IRB Application Instructions for Study Drug [F1.0950] [HTML]
- ORI Guide for IRB Review of Phase I Drug Trials [D136.0000] [PDF]
- UK ORI FDA Interactive Flow Chart: Drug/Biologic Trials [HTML]
- Summary of FDA Regulations on Exemption from IND Requirements [D46.0000] [PDF]
- Summary of FDA Requirements For Investigators Who Are Also Considered Sponsors of New Drug [D44.0000] [PDF]
- FDA Flow Charts for Regulations Applying to Investigational New Drugs (INDs) [D127.0000] [PDF]
- FDA Emergency and Early/Expanded Access Program for Drugs and Devices [D34.0000] [PDF]
- ORI Dietary Supplement Study FAQ [D122.0000] [PDF]
- UK Investigational Drug Service [HTML]
- Investigational Drug Service/IRB Coordination SOP [C6.0350] [PDF]
- Expanded Access Program (EAP) for Drugs SOP [C3.0300] [PDF]
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Resources [D116.0000] [PDF]
- FDA Guidance for Clinical Investigators, Sponsors, and IRBs – Determining Whether Human Research Studies Can Be Conducted Without an IND [T30.0000] [PDF]
- FDA Guidance for Industry: IND Exemptions for Studies of Lawfully Marketed Drug or Biological Products for the Treatment of Cancer 2004 [PDF]
- Individual Patient Expanded Access Applications: Form FDA 3926 [HTML]
- Expanded Access Program Search Navigator [HTML]
- FDA Expanded Access Website [HTML]
- FDA Expanded Access Instructional Videos [HTML]
Economically or Educationally Disadvantaged Persons (Vulnerable Populations)
Research Involving Economically or Educationally Disadvantaged Persons Guidance [D139.0000] [PDF]
Education (Researchers/Research Staff/IRB Members)
Emergency Use and Expanded Access of FDA Regulated Products
- Emergency Use SOP [C3.0250] [PDF]
- Emergency Use Checklist [F8.0000] [PDF]
- Expanded Access Program (EAP) for Drugs SOP [C3.0300] [PDF]
- FDA Emergency and Early/Expanded Access Program for Drugs and Devices [D34.0000] [PDF]
- FDA Expanded Access Instructional Videos [HTML]
- Individual Patient Expanded Access Applications: Form FDA 3926 [HTML]
- Expanded Access Program Search Navigator [HTML]
- FDA Expanded Access Website [HTML]
- UK HealthCare Bioethics Program [HTML]
- Belmont Report [HTML]
- Declaration of Helsinki [HTML]
- Nuremberg Code: Directives for Human Experimentation [HTML]
- IRB Resource Guide [HTML]
The IRB Resource Guide includes sources from which the ethical principles for conducting human research originated, and significant federal regulations.
Exempt Review
IRB Review Types [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information
- Exemption Certification Request (application) (Log in to E-IRB)
- Exempt Review SOP [C2.0200] [PDF]
- Issues to be Addressed When Conducting Exempt Review [D37.0000] [PDF]
- Exempt Review Decision [HTML Interactive Tool]
- UK ORI New Common Rule Exemption Categories Tool [PDF]
Expedited Review
IRB Review Types [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information
- Medical IRB Expedited Review Application [F1.0000 & F3.0050] (Log in to E-IRB)
- Nonmedical IRB Expedited Review Application [F2.0000 & F3.0050] (Log in to E-IRB)
- Expedited Initial Review SOP [C2.0150] [PDF]
- Issues to Address when Conducting Expedited Reviews [D39.0000] [PDF]
- OHRP Guidance on the Use of Expedited Review Procedures [T13.0000] [HTML]
- Guidance on Expedited Review of Minor Changes in Previously Approved Research [D38.0000] [PDF]
- Criteria for IRB Approval: Reviewer Checklist [F26.0000] [PDF]
- Expedited Reviewer Signature Page [F20.0000] [PDF]
Faculty Advisor Responsibilities
- Faculty Advisor Responsibilities [HTML Video, 05:02 minutes]
- A Mentor’s Guide to the IRB: A Faculty Advisor Workshop [Video, 44:22 minutes]
Faculty Advisor's Assurance Statement:
"This is to certify that I have reviewed this research protocol and that I attest to the scientific merit of this study; to the qualifications of the investigator(s) to conduct the project; that facilities, equipment, and personnel are adequate to conduct the research; and that continued guidance will be provided as appropriate.
**If the Principal Investigator is completing this project to meet the requirements of a University of Kentucky academic program, in addition to Department Authorization, the student's faculty advisor should sign the Assurance Statement. The student's faculty advisor is accepting a supervisory role in guiding the student in conducting regulatory compliant research and therefore must be certified in human research protection training throughout the life of the protocol."
Take just a few minutes to check out the ORI video training "Faculty Advisor Responsibilities" [HTML] including ORI tools to help your students succeed with human subject research.
FDA-Regulated Research
FDA-Regulated Research webpage [HTML]
Federal Agency Specific Requirements (DoD, DoJ, EPA, etc.)
- Summary of Requirements for Department of Defense Supported Human Research [D107.0000] [PDF]
- Department of Defense Supported Research: Checklist [D108.0000] [PDF]
- Department of Defense IRB/ORI Coordination SOP [C6.0850] [PDF]
- Summary of Department of Education (DoED) Requirements [D111.0000] [PDF]
- Summary of Department of Energy (DoE) Requirements [D112.0000] [PDF]
- Investigator Checklist for Verification of Compliance with the Department of Energy (DOE) Requirements for the Protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Protected Health Information (PHI) [F35.0000] [PDF]
- Summary of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Requirements [D114.0000] [PDF]
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Research: IRB Reviewer Checklist [F33.0000] [PDF]
- Summary of Department of Justice (DoJ), National Institute of Justice (NIJ), and Bureau of Prisons (BoP) Requirements [D113.0000] [PDF]
- Department of Justice (DOJ), National Institute of Justice (NIJ), and Bureau of Prisons Supported Research: IRB Reviewer Checklist [F34.0000] [PDF]
- Federal Agency “Specific” Requirements IRB/ORI Coordination SOP [C6.0900] [PDF]
Federalwide Assurance (FWA) (#00005295)
Basic Assurance Requirement - Approved through the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP):
An institution engaged in human subjects research (not otherwise exempt) that is conducted or supported by any agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), must have an OHRP-approved assurance of compliance with the HHS regulations (45 CFR 46.103) for the protection of human subjects. The University of Kentucky holds an FWA under the number FWA 00005295.
Federal Regulations
- Federal Regulation Tracker [D86.0000] [HTML Interactive Tool]
- UK ORI Revised Common Rule Webpage [HTML]
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Resources [D116.0000] [PDF]
- Comparison of FDA and HHS Human Subject Protection Regulations (by FDA) [HTML]
- Online Regulations Governing Human Subjects Research:
- Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) [HTML]
- 45 CFR 46 ("The Common Rule" - Human Subject Protections) [HTML]
- Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) Human Subject Regulations Decision Charts [HTML]
- NIH Guidances:
- Prior NIH Approval of Human Subjects Research in Active Awards Initially Submitted without Definitive Plans for Human Subjects Involvement (Delayed Onset Awards):
Notice Number: NOT-OD-12-130 [HTML] - Guidance on Changes That Involve Human Subjects in Active Awards and That Will Require Prior NIH Approval
Notice Number: NOT-OD-12-129 [HTML]
- Prior NIH Approval of Human Subjects Research in Active Awards Initially Submitted without Definitive Plans for Human Subjects Involvement (Delayed Onset Awards):
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [HTML]
- Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) [HTML]
Full Review (Initial)
IRB Review Types [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information
Future Use, Sharing, Record Reviews and Secondary Research (includes NIH Data Sharing Policy Fact Sheet)
- Primary Research & Future Use [HTML Interactive Video]
- UK ORI Secondary Use Research Tool [HTML Interactive Tool]
- UK Fact Sheet – Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing [PDF]
- Research Data Services at UK: Data Management and Sharing Plan [HTML]
- UK ORI Record Reviews [PDF]
HIPAA in Research
HIPAA in Research [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information including Covered Entities
Select Forms/Guidance:
Impaired Consent Capacity (inc. Legally Authorized Representatives) (Vulnerable Subjects)
Research Involving Adults with Impaired Consent Capacity [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information on research involving adults with impaired consent capacity.
- University of Kentucky Adults with Impaired Consent Capacity Policy [D62.0000] [PDF]
- Protection of Vulnerable Subjects SOP [C3.0100] [PDF]
- Informed Consent SOP [C3.0050] [PDF]
- IRB Application “Form T” (Research Involving Adults with Impaired Consent Capacity) [Web-Based Tool to determine research risk level and likelihood of consent impairment] [F1.1450] [HTML]
- IRB Application Instructions for “Form T” [F1.1500] [HTML]
- Assessing Consent Capacity in Clinical Research: New Directions [D95.0000] [PDF]
- Advice to Legally Authorized Representatives of Adult Participants in Medical Research [D87.0000] [PDF]
- Advice to Legally Authorized Representatives of Adult Participants in Non-Medical Research [D88.0000] [PDF]
Informed Consent/Assent
Informed Consent/Assent [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information on developing Informed Consent and the Informed Consent Process.
International & Non-English Speaking Subjects
- Informed Consent SOP [C3.0050] [PDF]
- IRB Application Instructions - Non-English, Foreign Culture (recruitment of Non-English speaking subjects) [F1.0500] [HTML]
- Single IRB Reliance/Off-Site [HTML]
- OHRP International Issues [HTML]
- OHRP: IRB Guidebook Chapter 6, Section K [T17.0000] [PDF]
- NIH ClinRegs: Clinical research regulations from around the globe [HTML]
- FDA Guidance for Institutional Review Boards and Clinical Investigators 1998 Update: Non-English Speaking Subjects [HTML]
Investigator/Research Staff Responsibilities
Researchers [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information for Researchers and research support staff.
Select Forms/Guidance:
- A Principal Investigator's Guide to Responsibilities, Qualifications, Records and Documentation of Human Subjects Research [D9.0000] [PDF]
- OHRP Investigator Responsibility Frequently Asked Questions [HTML]
- FDA Guidance for Industry: Investigator Responsibilities [PDF]
- Investigator Qualifications and Provision of Medical Oversight [D128.0000] [PDF]
Investigators Who Are Also Considered Sponsors
Off-Site Research
Off-Site Research: Letter of Support, Local Context, & Additional Requirements [HTML]
Other Human Research Protection Sites
- U.S. Department of Education [HTML]
- U.S. Department of Energy [HTML]
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) [HTML]
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [HTML]
- International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) Guidelines [HTML]
- National Archives and Records Administration Code of Federal Regulations [HTML]
- National Institutes of Health (NIH) [HTML]
- National Science Foundation [HTML]
- Human Subjects [HTML]
- Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) [HTML]
- Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues [HTML]
- Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R) [HTML]
Other Human Research Review Committees
Other Human Research Review Committees [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional links to other Human Research review committees at UK.
Pregnant Women, Fetuses, & Neonates (Vulnerable Subjects)
Research Involving Pregnant Women, Fetuses, and/or Neonates [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information on research involving pregnant women, fetuses, and/or neonates.
- Protection of Vulnerable Subjects SOP [C3.0100] [PDF]
- IRB Application “Form U” (Research Involving Pregnant Women, Fetuses, &/or Neonates) [F1.1550] [PDF]
- IRB Application Instructions for Vulnerable Populations - Pregnant Women, Fetuses, Neonates [F1.1600] [HTML]
- Summary of Pregnant Women, Fetuses, & Neonates Regulations 45 CFR 46 Subpart B [D64.0000] [PDF]
Prisoners (Vulnerable Subjects)
- Research Involving Prisoners [F1.1700] [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information on research involving prisoners.
- Protection of Vulnerable Subjects SOP [C3.0100] [PDF]
- IRB Application (Research Involving Prisoners) [F1.1650] [PDF]
- Prisoner Representative Reviewer Signature Form [F23.0000] [PDF]
- OHRP Prisoner Frequently Asked Questions [HTML]
- KY Department of Corrections (DoC) Policies and Procedures: Research, Surveys, and Data Requests [PDF]
- Summary of Prisoners Regulations 45 CFR 46 Subpart C [T63.0000] [PDF]
- OHRP Guidance on the Involvement of Prisoners in Research – 5/23/03 [T22.0000] [HTML]
- Research Involving Prisoners Flow Chart [T23.0000] [PDF]
- 45 CFR Part 46 Waiver of the Applicability of Certain HHS Provisions for HHS Conducted or Supported Epidemiologic Research Involving Prisoners as Subjects [T24.0000] [HTML]
Quality Improvement Program
Quality Improvement Program for Human Research Protections [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information on Quality Improvement.
Select Forms/Guidance:
- Quality Improvement Program Directed On-Site Review SOP [C5.0050] [PDF]
- Quality Improvement Program Principal Investigator Self-Assessment Review SOP [C5.0150] [PDF]
- Online PI Self-Assessment Form [HTML]
- Quality Improvement Program Administrative Assessment Review SOP [C5.0200] [PDF]
- Consent/Assent Form Checklist (Essential Elements of Informed Consent) [O1.0000] [PDF]
- Basics for Easy-to-Read Informed Consent Documents [O11.0000] [PDF]
Two circumstances when IRB approved active protocols may be closed by the PI and/or the IRB [D76.0000] [PDF]
Principal Investigators (PIs)
- Study Closure SOP [C4.0200] [PDF]
- A Principal Investigator’s Guide to Responsibilities, Qualifications, Records and Documentation of Human Subjects Research [D9.0000] [PDF]
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Recruitment of Subjects/Advertising (Also see "Students as Subjects")
- A Principal Investigator’s Guide to Identification and Recruitment of Human Subjects for Research [D7.0000] [PDF]
- IRB Application Instructions - Advertisements (Proposed advertisement(s) of any type for recruiting subjects) [F1.0750] [HTML]
- Guidance on IRB Review of Clinical Trial Websites [D26.0000] [PDF]
- Research Recruitment and Advertising in Human Research [HTML, ~15 minutes]
- E-9: Compensation to Research Subjects [HTML]
- E-7.7: Payments to Foreign Nationals [PDF]
- Finder's Fees - University of Kentucky Medical IRB Policy [D25.0000] [PDF]
Reporting Requirements (Unanticipated Problem/Safety Reporting, Deviation/Exception, Protocol Violation)
Principal Investigators (PIs)
- University of Kentucky Investigator Quick Guide to IRB Reporting Requirements [D109.0000] [PDF]
- Other Reviews [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information on reporting Deviations/Exceptions, Protocol Violations, and Unanticipated Problems.
- Modification - IRB Review of Changes SOP [C2.0300] [PDF]
- Modification Requests: Modification of a Currently Approved Protocol [D67.0000] [HTML]
- Protocol Violation Review SOP [C2.0400] [PDF]
- Continuation Review SOP [C2.0250] [PDF]
- Deviations and Exceptions - IRB Review of Changes [C2.0325] (3/15/19) [PDF]
- Unanticipated/Anticipated Problem/Adverse Event Reporting SOP [C2.0350] [PDF]
- IRB Policy on Unanticipated Problem and Safety Reporting to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) [D2.0000] [PDF]
- Unanticipated Problems Involving Risks to Subjects or Others (UPIRSOs) - Prompt/NonPrompt Reporting [PDF]
- See Unanticipated Problem/Safety Reporting under Other Reviews for related forms [HTML]
- Reporting Requirements for Diseases and Conditions in Kentucky [E2.0000] [PDF]
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Return of Research Results or Incidental Research Findings
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Return of Research Results or Incidental Research Findings [D118.0000] [PDF]
- Single-Subject Consent to Receive or Refuse Result or Incidental Finding - Sample Consent [D119.0000] [PDF]
- The MRCT Center of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard: Return of Individual Results [HTML]
- National Academies of Science, Engineering & Medicine Consensus Study Report: Returning Individual Research Results to Participants [HTML]
Risk Assessment
University of Kentucky Research Risk Assessment Guidance [D8.0000] [PDF]
Students as Subjects (Vulnerable Subjects)
- Protection of Vulnerable Subjects SOP [C3.0100] [PDF]
- Guidance for Enrolling University Students as Research Subjects [D4.0000] [PDF]
- Considerations for the IRB when reviewing protocols from College of Education Early Childhood, Special Education and Counselor Education program [PDF]
- K-12 Teacher & Support Staff HSP Training Course [HTML Interactive Video]
- IRB Application Information for “Form II” (Medical Center and/or College of Medicine residents or fellows as research subjects) [F1.2500] [HTML]
- Guidance for Enrolling K-12 Students as Research Subjects [D79.0000] [PDF]
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Guidance [D31.0000] [PDF]
- U.S. Dept. of Education/Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) [D60.0000] [PDF]
Single IRB Reliance
Single IRB Reliance [HTML] - Comprehensive webpage that provides additional tools and information on Single IRB Reliance.
Suicidality and Research Ethics
Suicide Ideation or Behavior Among Research Participants [PDF]