• Office of Sponsored Projects Administration
    NIH has issued NOT-OD-20-031 to clarify the underrepresented populations eligible for Diversity Supplements.
  • Office of Sponsored Projects Administration
    To ensure the best delivery of services and to facilitate submission of the highest quality proposals with the highest probability of success, OSPA is putting into effect a new submission deadline for sponsored project proposals to external funders.
  • Office of Sponsored Projects Administration, Proposal Development Office, Vice President For Research
    For letters of institutional support towards grant applications that (1) require an official signature from the VPR, or (2) commit the Office of Research financially to an award, we are standardizing the process.
  • Office of Sponsored Projects Administration
    A Resumption of Operations at NSF page has been published with information on grant and cooperative agreement-related policy and system issues.
  • Office of Sponsored Projects Administration
    Effective 01/22/19, the threshold for which UG requirement apply will increase to $10,000 per order value.
  • Office of Sponsored Projects Administration
    Emily will provide assistance with current Clinicaltrial.gov database issues as well as training for new or existing registries.
  • Office of Sponsored Projects Administration
    NIH recently announced that they are contacting PIs who have duplicate accounts in Common. Some PIs were contacted recently and more will receive emails from NIH in the next two weeks.
  • Office of Sponsored Projects Administration
    Reminder: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Applications Must Be Complete and Compliant With NIH Policy and Application Instructions At Time Of Submission (NOT-OD-17-105)
  • Office of Sponsored Projects Administration
    Revised F&A Rates for Industry-funded Clinical Trials will be 22.3%, and Federally-funded and Flow-through Clinical Trials will be 53% effective 7/1/17
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