• Office of Research Integrity
    The UK Office of Research Integrity (ORI) has developed a guidance document outlining plans for transitioning to/overview of the revised human subject regulations (a.k.a., “the Common Rule”). 
  • Center for Clinical & Translational Science, Center for Excellence in Rural Health
    The University of Kentucky Center of Excellence in Rural Health, the Kentucky Office of Rural Health, and the UK CCTS Community Engagement and Research Program are requesting applications for the 2019 Community Leadership Institute of Kentucky (CLIK).
  • Office of Research Integrity
    The transition to the Revised Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (Common Rule) has forced the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) and Institutional Review Boards (IRB) to issue a Temporary Freeze on New Initial IRB Applications. Any protocol approved prior to January 20, 2019, must comply with the Current Rule and any protocol approved on or after January 21, 2019, must comply with the Revised Rule.
  • Center for Clinical & Translational Science
    The NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) on Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases, in collaboration with the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS) announce the availability of limited funds to support pilot projects focused on research examining obesity-associated diseases.
  • Office of Technology Commercialization
    The September edition of the Commercialization Connect Newsletter is now available.
  • Office of Research Integrity

    Click here to read the IRB Review Newsletter:

  • Center for Clinical & Translational Science
    The UK Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) KL2 Career Development Program invites junior faculty applicants for a position that begins January 1, 2019.
  • NSF has published a term and condition for awards, to become effective October 21, 2018, that will require awardee organizations to notify the agency of sexual harassment involving awardees.
  • Center for Clinical & Translational Science
    The Center for Clinical and Translational Science Pilot Research Program is calling for applications.
  • Office of Research Integrity
    Based on feedback from researchers, IRB members, and participants from the Informed Consent Workshops, we have made revisions to both the Medical and Nonmedical Informed Consent Template.
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