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  • Oct 24 2014

See undergraduate research on acoustics and fluid dynamics with T.J. Flynn in Mechanical Engineering.

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  • Oct 15 2014

Gabriel Dadi studies the cognitive aspects of construction workers and how they interpret information.

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  • Sep 12 2014

CRVAW saw greater than 50% reduction in self-reported frequency by students at schools that received training.

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  • Aug 28 2014

The "Powering the Kentucky Bioeconomy for a Sustainable Future" project has been awarded $20 million from NSF.

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  • Aug 19 2014

Biologist Randal Voss's research focuses on axolotls—salamanders with amazing regenerative ability.

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  • Aug 14 2014

The grant funds UK Rural Cancer Prevention Center's work on screening and prevention of colorectal cancer.

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  • Aug 8 2014

Press conference announcing Dr. Wermeling's naloxone nasal spray Fast Track designation from the FDA.

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  • Aug 7 2014

A nasal spray of the anti-opioid drug naloxone, developed by Daniel Wermeling, has FDA fast-track designation.

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  • Aug 4 2014

Biologist Jeramiah Smith studies salamanders and sea lamprey to find genetic clues to regeneration.

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  • Jul 28 2014

To study cell regeneration in the eye, biologist Ann Morris’s vertebrate of choice is Zebrafish.