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  • Oct 25 2022

In the final installment of the "I Am A UK Innovator" series Ming-Yuan Chih, Ph.D., describes a mobile health app he developed with his team to help bone marrow transplant patients during their recovery.

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  • Oct 18 2022

Chad Risko (Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences) discusses an innovation that could help the scientific community confirm results by repeating, or reproducing, experiments — an activity fundamental to scientific progress.

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  • Oct 17 2022

For entomologist Clare Rittschof introducing University of Kentucky undergraduate students to research starts by giving them access and experiences in her lab.

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  • Oct 3 2022

In this Q&A, Linda Dwoskin discusses the challenges and achieving moments she’s experienced through her work on the development of a pharmacotherapy for methamphetamine use disorder.

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  • Sep 27 2022

To highlight people with world-changing ideas at the University of Kentucky, Research Communications produced “I am a UK Innovator,” a four-video series featuring faculty innovators who have partnered with UK’s Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC).

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  • Aug 26 2022

For her most recent project, “Mechanical Mechanisms of Biofilm Survival on Implant Surfaces,” Martha Grady is the recipient of the National Science Foundation's prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award.

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  • Aug 10 2022

Clare Rittschof, Ph.D., is the recipient of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award for her project titled “Signal to Noise: How Complex Social Information Regulates Brain Genomics and Behavior.”

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  • Jul 26 2022

His NSF CAREER award will provide Schoop with $500,000 over five years to conduct research using artificial intelligence (AI) and high-speed microscopy to understand the impact of machining on material failure — like those responsible for plane crashes.

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  • Jul 18 2022

John Groppo, professor of mining engineering in the College of Engineering at the University of Kentucky, is one of the distinguished Great Teacher Award recipients who strives to help his students discover their passions.

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  • Jul 13 2022

At age 5, Mary Sheppard, M.D., was diagnosed with Marfan syndrome, a rare connective tissue disorder affecting the heart, eyes, blood vessels and skeleton. Now a physician-scientist at UK, Sheppard studies and treats this rare disease and takes pride in giving back to the community.