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  • Nov 16 2020

“Although the pandemic changed our plans for an in-person celebration, we are looking forward to spotlighting the initiatives that are moving our mission forward, as well as honoring the individuals who had the vision to establish the center and help lay our foundations.”

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  • Sep 3 2020

We recognize the need to move with a sense of urgency even as we know this is not a semester-long or yearlong initiative. We are writing tomorrow’s history today.

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  • Aug 11 2020

Artemisia annua or "Sweet Annie" has been used as a medicinal herb for centuries. With potential to treat a variety of cancers & even COVID-19, this plant is more relevant than ever & UK is showing how we can take it from Kentucky fields to the lab to our patients.

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  • Jun 18 2020

UK College of Medicine researchers are using the special antibodies made by alpacas, called nanobodies, to help understand the novel coronavirus and potentially develop a treatment that could protect people from being infected. 

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  • Jun 9 2020

“The virus is about 120 nanometers in size — in the world of membranes, that's large. Even more so, it's not going to come as a virus by itself, flying in the air. It's going to come in the saliva, so it's going to be a much larger particle. A large particle is just not going through (this filter).”

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  • Apr 14 2020

"The country is running out of personal protection equipment, which is important to prevent not just my friends from getting sick, but my wife, too. She works as a physician," Winkler said. "We must protect those who are risking their lives to protect others from this disease."

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  • Apr 10 2020

“I am continually impressed and grateful every day for the effort and dedication of the staff of UK Healthcare’s clinical laboratories. They are in the lab working to improve the lives of patients 24/7 throughout the year.

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  • Apr 1 2020

The James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits is making sanitizer and creating an instructional video for distillers who want to do the same. The multidisciplinary Beam Institute is naturally suited for projects of this nature, with experts in biotechnology, chemistry and engineering.

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  • Mar 30 2020

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) every two minutes a child dies of malaria and each year, more than 200 million new cases of the disease are reported. For the last 15 years, Kip Guy, dean of UK’s College of Pharmacy, has worked with a team of researchers to develop an anti-malarial drug.

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  • Mar 5 2020

To fight the negative health effects of environmental toxins, reach for more fruits and vegetables – that’s the message UK-SRC’s Community Engagement Core is sharing with the local community.