The program offers guidance and scholarships to women who are nearing the completion of their undergraduate degrees and are seeking entry into professional health care programs.
"Beyond the Black and White Screen: Seeing/Reading Race in Social Media, Films and Society" is a free interactive workshop is designed to teach participants how to “read” race, racism and whiteness in media while also modeling pedagogies to engage in antiracist teaching practices.
A five-year, $2.8 million grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) will support a study on how local policies impact groups – including communities of color, low-income populations and youth – that are more likely to use flavored tobacco products.
The Institute for Research on Innovation and Science (IRIS) is a consortium of America’s leading higher educational institutions focused on providing data on providing data to demonstrate the public value of sponsored scientific research.
UK's Center for Health Equity Transformation (CHET) has awarded Health Equity Pilot Grants to researchers in the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment whose research is aimed at identifying, reducing and eliminating health disparities.
The award recognizes exceptional, original scholarship and excellent research conducted by undergraduates making substantive use of UK Libraries’ resources.
The day was established to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and its impact on the African American community, since their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease is two to three times higher than white Americans.
UK’s HEALing Communities Study and Voices of Hope are teaming up for the free virtual June Learning Collaborative, “Come as You Are: Transformational Housing.”