CDC Limited Submissions
risk factors for ALS
Centers for Disease Control - Analyze and Evaluate Potential Risk Factors for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) (RFA-TS-15-001)
Purpose: The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to allow for investigator-initiated research that will further the understanding of potential risk factors for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), while supporting the goals of the National ALS Registry. The Registry’s goals are to estimate the number of new cases of ALS each year, estimate the number of people who have ALS at a specific point in time, better understand who gets ALS and what factors affect the disease, and improve care for people with ALS. ATSDR is seeking investigator-initiated research proposals that will provide a greater understanding of ALS etiology, especially the environmental contribution that may lead to prevention or a possible cure.
Funding Amount/project period: The budget period will be twelve months with an anticipated start date in September 2015. The project period will be from one to three years; the longest project period is anticipated to be from September 2015 to August 2018. The maximum estimated total funding (direct and indirect costs) for the first budget period is up to $400,000 (direct and indirect costs) per award. The estimated total funding (direct and indirect) for an award with a three year project period is expected to be up to $1,200,000 per award.
Institutional Limit: Each eligible applicant institution may submit only one application.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, February 10, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines
Letter of Intent (not required): Letter of intent, if it is submitted, is due 45 days after publication.
Full Proposal: March 23, 2015
flu vaccine effectiveness
Centers for Disease Control - Annual Estimates of Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness for Preventing Medically Attended Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza in the United States (RFA-IP-16-002)
Purpose: The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support a network of US institutions that can obtain reliable vaccination information for a population and provide accurate estimates of annual influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) to prevent influenza-associated illness in that population. Participating institutions will coordinate enrollment of patients with acute respiratory illness (ARI), confirm influenza infection using a standardized reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) assay, and estimate VE using a test-negative study design. Interim VE estimates during the influenza season and end-of-season VE estimates will be used to inform vaccine recommendations and assess public health impact of influenza vaccination programs to prevent influenza-related illness and medical visits among persons of all ages. In addition, this network will compare VE for specific vaccine types available in the US. This network will serve as an emergency response resource in the event of an influenza pandemic to assess VE to prevent medically-attended illness associated with pandemic influenza.
Funding Amount: The estimated total funding for the five-year project period is $30,000,000 for up to 5 awards.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 1, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): December 14, 2015; Application: January 11, 2016
Centers for Disease Control - Centers for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Research and Epidemiology (CADDRE): Study to Explore Early Development (SEED) 3 (RFA-DD-16-001)
Purpose: This announcement addresses new activities for the Study to Explore Early Development (SEED). SEED is a case-control study of risk and protective factors for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Under this announcement, CDC will fund the third wave of data collection for the core SEED protocol, support a biorepository and sample processing for the saliva and blood specimens collected as part of the core SEED protocol, and initiate a brief follow-up of the first wave of SEED participants (SEED 1).
Funding Amount: Estimated total funding is $21,600,000 for a five-year project and seven awards are anticipated.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Monday, December 21, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent: January 4, 2016 (Optional); Application: February 11, 2016
childhood obesity research demonstration 2
Centers for Disease Control - Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration 2.0 (RFA-DP16-004)
Purpose: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to test a model of quality clinical care addressing childhood obesity for U.S. low-income children, especially those enrolled in or eligible for health care coverage under the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or Medicaid.
Specifically, the purpose is to implement and test the ability of a model of clinical childhood obesity management along with a Electronic Health Record (EHR)-referral-based, family centered pediatric weight management program, to reduce body mass index (BMI) in children with obesity, or overweight with risks (including, e.g., medical and behavioral risks, and family history). Health outcomes of interest include measurable changes in BMI, nutrition and physical activity behaviors, health care satisfaction and service delivery, and quality of life. This will be accomplished through pediatric care and an intensive family centered weight management program in the clinic or community.
Funding Amount: Up to $8,500,000for 2 awards with a project period of 28 months
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 8, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): December 30, 2015; Application: January 29, 2016
population impact chronic viral hepatitis treatment
Centers for Disease Control - Cohort Study to Assess Population Impact of Current and Evolving Chronic Viral Hepatitis Treatment (RFA-PS-16-002)
Purpose: The purpose of this announcement is to fund a large, diverse cohort study of U.S. populations to provide ongoing, population-based data on morbidity, co-morbidities, mortalities and natural history of chronic viral hepatitis B and C, with and without treatment, to inform treatment and prevention efforts in US populations.
Funding Amount: Estimated total funding is $1,400,000for a four-year project, and one award is anticipated.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, February 2, 2016:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): February 15, 2016; Application: March 15, 2016
climate sensitive diseases
Centers for Disease Control– Collaboration on Climate Sensitive Diseases and Health Effects (RFA-CK-14-003)
Purpose: The purpose of the program is to conduct research utilizing a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the complex relationships among weather, climate, human health and ecosystems; and training the next generation of scientists in these complex, yet interconnected areas; thus, ultimately increasing novel and practical applications of public health and climate science for the prevention of disease and protection of public health.
Amount: Estimated total funding available including direct and indirect costs for first year (12 month budget period): $400,000. Estimated total funding available including direct and indirect costs for entire project period (5 year project period): $2,000,000.
Institutional Limit: Eligible applicant institutions may only submit one application.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, March 11, 2014:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities (1-2 pages).
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadline: March 24, 2014
geographic disaprities characteristics
Centers for Disease Control - Community Characteristics Associated with Geographic Disparities in Diabetes and Cardiometabolic Health (RFA-DP-17-001)
Purpose: This announcement has two components, A and B:
- Component A supports applications aimed at examination of county-level disparities in type 2 diabetes and cardiometabolic conditions to enhance understanding of disease determinants. Applicants will test hypotheses aimed at clarifying the contribution of environmental or socioeconomic circumstances to diabetes geographic disparities. As part of this initiative, Component A awardees will also be asked to form a common protocol and data management plan for the collection of a core set of exposure and outcome variables to permit multi-center analyses.
- Component B of this FOA solicits applications for a study Coordinating Center (CC) to provide logistics, data management, and analysis support to the multi-center research study.
**Each component has specific eligibility requirements. Please see full announcement for details.
Funding Amount: $16,000,000 for 4 awards under component A, and $4,000,000 for 1 award under component B
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1 for each component
Internal Competition: To participate in the university’s selection process, please submit the following, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at with a copy to your Associate Dean for Research by January 3, 2017:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. For questions, email the limited submission mailbox ( or call 257-2861.
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): January 13, 2017; Application: February 14, 2017
public health in Kenya
Centers For Disease Control - Conducting Public Health Research in Kenya (RFA-GH-16-006)
Purpose: The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to conduct and monitor epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory based studies of important human diseases in Kenya including but not limited to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases; sexually- transmitted, zoonotic; vector, respiratory, hepatic and gastro-enteric diseases; acute febrile illness; epidemic-prone diseases and vaccine-preventable diseases. Also included are environmental health issues, neglected tropical diseases, maternal and child health, non-communicable diseases, birth defects and developmental disabilities, bio-safety, and injury control and prevention.
Funding Amount:
Budget and Project Period.
Year 1 Budget (Funds Available) and anticipated number of awards is as listed below for each of the components:
Component A: $7,000,000 – up to 3 awards
Component B: $4,000,000 – up to 3 awards
Component C: $1,500,000 – up to 2 awards
Component D: Part 1 - $5,200,000 – up to 3 awards Part 2 - $200,000 – 1 award
Component E: $750,000 – 1 award
Component F: $1,500,000 - up to 3 awards
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, February 2, 2016:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Required): February 26, 2016; Application: March 28, 2016
children birth defects people disabilities
Centers for Disease Control - Coordinating Center for Research to Promote the Health of Children with Birth Defects and People with Developmental and Other Disabilities (RFA-DD-17-001)
Purpose: The National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) seeks to develop an external coordinating center for research and dissemination of information that supports the Center’s mission and advances its scientific and research agenda by conducting research across a network of universities and other institutions of higher learning that specialize in birth defects, blood disorders, and developmental and other types of disability research.
**Please see full announcement for special eligibility requirements
Funding Amount: $15,025,000 for 1 five-year award
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the university’s selection process, please submit the following, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at with a copy to your Associate Dean for Research by January 10, 2017:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. For questions, email the limited submission mailbox ( or call 257-2861.
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): January 20, 2017; Application: February 22, 2017
early HIV treatment
Centers for Disease Control - Early HIV Treatment to Optimize Patient Health and HIV Prevention (RFA-PS-16-006)
Purpose: To support the conduct of a mixed-methods health services research study to assess models for the implementation of immediate antiretroviral therapy (ART) for persons with newly diagnosed acute and early HIV infection. Models will be implemented and evaluated in 2 to 3 HIV care settings. These implementation studies will allow a better understanding of clinical outcomes and patients’ experiences with immediate initiation of antiretroviral (ARV) treatment, including:
1) time to viral suppression and the proportion of patients who remain virally suppressed 12 months after their diagnosis,
2) retention in HIV care,
3) satisfaction with clinical care,
4) changes in HIV transmission risk behavior, and
5) laboratory markers of HIV infection
Funding Amount: Estimated total funding is $14,850,000for a four-year project and three awards are anticipated.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Monday, December 21, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): January 14, 2016; Application: February 19, 2016
immunization economics
Centers for Disease Control - Economic Studies of Immunization Policies and Practices (RFA-IP-15-001)
Purpose: The purpose of this funding announcement is to obtain economic information about vaccines and immunization policies, programs, and practices using economic and decision analyses and other appropriate methods. The results of these economic studies will be used to help inform policy and the development of effective interventions.
Funding Amount/project period: The estimated total funding (direct and indirect) for the entire project period will be $900,000. The project period will run from 09/01/2015 to 08/31/2018.
Institutional Limit: Each eligible applicant institution may submit only one application.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, January 20, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines
Letter of Intent (not required): February 3, 2015
Full Proposal: March 4, 2015
new vaccine preventable diseases
Centers for Disease Control - Enhanced Surveillance for New Vaccine Preventable Diseases (RFA-IP-16-004)
Purpose: The National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Division of Viral Diseases, Epidemiology Branch is projecting to host a 5-year, competitive cooperative agreement starting in FY2016 and having a period of performance from September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2021. This cooperative agreement will fund a network of pediatric medical institutions conducting prospective, active surveillance for acute gastroenteritis (AGE) and acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) in inpatient and emergency department clinical settings, and among healthy controls. Funded activities will provide a principal US pediatric vaccine-preventable (and potentially vaccine preventable) disease surveillance system, to include actively assessing a wide spectrum of AGE, ARI and influenza pathogens, evaluations of vaccine effectiveness for licensed vaccines, burden and natural history of disease for pathogens having upcoming and/or new vaccines, pediatric infectious disease transmission dynamics, vaccination/therapeutic policy and development, vaccine impacts for targeted and vulnerable populations, and socioeconomic and microbiological environments potentially relevant to these public health interventions.
Funding Amount: maximum awards of $1,000,000 per year for a project period of 5 years.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 1, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadline: January 15, 2016
HAIs epicenters
Centers for Disease Control - Epicenters for the Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) - Cycle II (RFA-CK-15-004)
Purpose: The purpose of this FOA is to expand the number of CDC Prevention Epicenters to translate basic, epidemiologic and technologic discoveries into new strategies for preventing healthcare-associated transmission of Ebola and/or infectious pathogens (viral or bacterial) that can be spread by mechanisms similar to Ebola. This might include, but is not limited to, project proposals that focus on the effectiveness of personal protective equipment against such pathogens, healthcare worker self-contamination with pathogens, or the role of the healthcare environment in pathogen transmission.
Funding Amount: Average total funding: $2,200,000/3 years
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, April 21, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines:
LOI (not required) May 1, 2015
Full Proposal: June 1, 2015
HIV prevention transgender
Centers for Disease Control - Evaluating Locally-Developed or Adapted (Homegrown) Combination HIV Prevention Interventions for Transgender Persons who have Sex with Men (RFA-PS-16-003)
Purpose: The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support a project to evaluate locally-developed or adapted and potentially effective but insufficiently evaluated, interventions that are designed to deliver a combination of HIV prevention, HIV care and treatment, and other social and support services to transgender persons who have sex with men, who are at high risk of HIV infection or who are living with HIV. Combination HIV prevention interventions are defined for the purpose of this FOA as a combination of mutually reinforcing biomedical, behavioral, and social/structural intervention components that together either reduce participants’ risks for acquiring HIV or improve outcomes along the HIV care continuum.
Funding Amount: Estimated total funding is $3,600,000 for a 4-year project and two awards are anticipated.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 15, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description (2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): January 12, 2016; Application: February 12, 2016
ILI among K12 students
Centers for Disease Control - Evaluating the Impact of Non-pharmaceutical Measures on the Incidence of Influenza-like Illness (ILI) among K-12 Students in the United States (RFA-CK-16-005)
Purpose: The project aims to evaluate the impact of non-pharmaceutical measures (NPIs) on incidence of influenza-like infections (ILI) among K-12 students in the United States via multi-year community randomized trials. The NPIs of interest will include at least one social distancing measure of interest, and an improved personal hygiene (hand washing and/or alcohol-based hand sanitizer use) and environmental hygiene practice (cleaning of frequently touched surfaces) within schools. The social distancing measures of interest include, but are not limited to, (1) reducing class size to allow for increases in space between students to at least 3 ft, and (2) reducing duration of the school day (e.g. by offering a certain proportion of daily school instruction via remote learning systems). Additionally, use of disposable medical face masks can be included as a source control measure for students exhibiting respiratory symptoms with or without fever while at school. The outcomes of interest include (1) incidence of ILI-associated student absenteeism and (2) incidence of laboratory-confirmed respiratory infections as detected by multiplex PCR assay.
Funding Amount: up to $4,000,000 for 2 awards with a project period of four years.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 1, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description (2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): December 15, 2015; Application: January 15, 2016
stepped care for perinatal depression
Centers for Disease Control - Evaluation of a Stepped Care Approach for Perinatal Depression Treatment in Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics (RFA-DP-15-005)
Purpose: The purpose of this FOA is to: 1) determine the effectiveness of a stepped care approach to reducing depression symptomology and increasing treatment rates among pregnant and postpartum women; 2) determine the feasibility of implementing a stepped care approach to depression treatment in obstetric clinics; and 3) develop recommendations for implementing best practice strategies for incorporating a stepped-care approach in obstetric clinics. Results of this FOA may inform national guidelines regarding depression care for pregnant and postpartum women.
Funding Amount/project period: An applicant may request a project period up to five (5) years. The estimated funding (including both direct and indirect) for the first year (12 month budget period) is $500,000 and the estimated total funding (including both direct and indirect) for the entire project period is $2,500,000. The project period will run from 9/30/2015 to 09/29/2020.
Institutional Limit: Only one application per institution (normally identified by having a unique DUNS number) is allowed.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, January 20, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines
Letter of Intent (not required): January 26, 2015
Full Proposal: February 25, 2015
PrEP service delivery at Title X and STD clinics
Centers for Disease Control - Evaluation of Models of PrEP Service Delivery at Title X and STD Clinics (RFA-PS-17-004)
Purpose: The sponsor invites applications to evaluate the effectiveness and cost of three health services models of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) delivery at STD and family planning clinics for patients at substantial risk for HIV acquisition: Model 1 - Direct PrEP provision in STD and family planning clinics; Model 2 - Passive referral to another PrEP service provider in the community; and Model 3 - Active linkage with patient navigators to another PrEP service provider in the community.
Funding Amount: Estimated total funding is $ 11,000,000 for one four-year award.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 6, 2016:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to the limited submission mailbox ( or call 257-2861.
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): December 14, 2016; Application: January 17, 2017
health promotion and disease prevention
Centers for Disease Control - Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers (RFA-DP-14-001) - NO INTERNAL COMPETITION for 2013
The National Center for Chronic Diseases Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has issued RFA-DP-14-001 to support a network of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers to conduct applied public health prevention research. The sponsor will accept only one application in response to this FOA.
UK’s currently funded Center is active through 9/29/14 and Dr. Richard Crosby, PI, plans to submit a competing renewal. Based on UK’s limited submission policy, the incumbent PI has priority as the institutional applicant, and UK will not have an internal competition in 2013 for this Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers program.
household transmission flu
Centers for Disease Control - Household Transmission of Influenza Viruses in the Community (RFA-IP-17-001)
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to enroll households with confirmed influenza and follow household contacts for up to two weeks to estimate the secondary infection risk and factors associated with risk of infection. This study will also estimate the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine in preventing influenza infection from close contacts. These findings are important to improve prevention and control of seasonal influenza, but also to be better prepared in the event of a future influenza pandemic.
Funding Amount: $3,000,000 for 3 projects.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, January 3, 2017:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to the limited submission mailbox ( or call 257-2861.
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): January 10, 2017; Application: March 1, 2017
improving fetal alcohol spectrum disorder prevention
Centers for Disease Control - Improving Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Prevention and Practice through National Partnerships (CDC-RFA-DD14-1403)
Purpose: Prenatal alcohol use is a leading preventable cause of birth defects and developmental disabilities. The term fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) is used to define the range of physical, mental, behavioral, and/or learning disabilities that can result from prenatal alcohol exposure. FASDs are completely preventable if a woman does not drink alcohol during pregnancy. While significant accomplishments have been made to reach health care providers by the current CDC-funded FASD Regional Training Centers (RTCs), much work remains to be done. In July 2013, an external peer review of the FASD RTCs was conducted and the need for these Centers was reaffirmed. However, the review stressed the need for more collaboration with medical societies and national partners to broaden the reach of the RTCs. Such collaboration could provide opportunities to focus on discipline-specific trainings, emphasize primary prevention of FASDs and to promote practice and system level changes among their members.
Thus, this FOA focuses on linking the work of the newly designed FASD Practice and Implementation Centers (PICs) to two types of organizations. The first type (Component 1) includes organizations that are national in scope with state and local chapters whose primary purpose is to help practicing professionals (e.g., pediatricians, obstetricians and gynecologists, nurses, family practitioners, internists, social workers, etc.) stay current in their fields. The second type of organization (Component 2) includes organizations who have a primary mission or focus on FASDs and who have national reach through an existing network of member organizations focusing on FASDs at the state and/or local levels. Working through these two types of organizations will help ensure that prevention and health messages are accurate and readily adopted by practitioners, the media, and the public. This announcement reflects the need for national coverage, stronger linkages between the CDC-funded FASD PICs and these crucial organizations, and an increased emphasis on demonstrable practice change. CDC is announcing the availability of funds to support a multi-faceted approach to enhance FASD training, provider education and practice change and complements CDC-RFA-DD14-1402, which will fund FASD Practice and Implementation Centers (PICs).
Amount: Average one year amount: $250,000/year for up to 4 years
Institutional Limit: Institutions may only submit one application under this FOA, for either Component 1 or Component 2.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, April 22, 2014:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadline
LOI (not required) April 22, 2014
Full Proposal May 13, 2014
HPV vaccination
Centers for Disease Control - Improving HPV Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescent Patients (RFA-IP-17-002)
Purpose: This funding opportunity announcement will support a factorial design randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the effectiveness of Assessment, Feedback, Incentives, eXchange (AFIX) and remote Physician-to-Physician (P2P) vaccine provider engagement strategies to increase adolescent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates and monitor the impact of immunization service delivery of other adolescent vaccines, i.e., tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap), meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY), and influenza (Flu), by vaccine providers serving the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program in one or more state, local and territorial public health jurisdictions.
Funding Amount: $1,500,000 for one three-year project.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 13, 2016:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to the limited submission mailbox ( or call 257-2861.
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): January 10, 2017; Application: February 7, 2017
MARI to build HIV prevention
Centers for Disease Control - Minority HIV/AIDS Research Initiative (MARI) to Build HIV Prevention, Treatment and Research Capacity in Disproportionately Affected Black and Hispanic Communities and Among Historically Underrepresented Researchers (RFA-PS-16-001)
Purpose: The overall objective of this teaching/mentored award program is to prepare qualified individuals for careers that have a significant impact on the HIV/AIDS-related research needs of the nation, especially in highly-affected minority communities. The objective of the Minority HIV/AIDS Research Initiative (MARI) Award program is to provide support for a sustained period of time for intensive research training and career development under the guidance of an experienced mentor in HIV prevention research and lead to promising HIV prevention activities and researchers who could independently conduct studies in highly-affected communities.
Topic areas include:
- Topic 1: Optimizing HIV continuum of care outcomes for disproportionately-affected men who have sex with men (MSM), especially Blacks/African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos.
- Topic 2: Effective implementation science strategies for HIV prevention, early diagnosis of acute infection, and treatment: expanding upon what works in highly-affected Black/African-American and Hispanic/Latino MSM communities.
- Topic 3: Developing networks of young, Black/African-American men who have sex with men (YBMSM) for HIV education, prevention and care using social determinants of health (SDH) and empowerment-driven approaches that are most relevant for successful HIV prevention, care and treatment.
- Topic 4: Increasing access to and uptake of treatment as prevention (TasP) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for communities of color: innovative strategies.
- Topic 5: Developing strategies to more effectively engage and retain Black/African-American and Hispanic/Latina women in HIV care: cross-specialty and interdisciplinary approaches.
- Topic 6: Investigator-initiated, innovative projects.
Funding Amount: $300,000 per budget period for four years
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: Only one application may be submitted per topic area from the same institution.
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, September 1, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Topic area: 1-6
- Brief project description (2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent: (optional) Sept. 14, 2015; Full Application: Oct. 14, 2015
HIV prevention for MSM
Centers for Disease Control - Mobile Messaging Intervention to Present New HIV Prevention Options for MSM (RFA-PS-15-002)
Purpose: The purpose of this funding opportunity is to develop and test a mobile messaging (e.g., texting, App) HIV prevention intervention for sexually-active (i.e., had sex with a man in the prior 12 months) gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM). The intervention will consist of brief, multi-component messages about new and emerging risk reduction information.
Funding Amount/project period: Estimated total funding available, to include direct and indirect costs for the entire project period, is $3,800,000. The project period will be four years.
Institutional Limit: Eligible institutions may submit one application.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, January 20, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines
Letter of Intent (not required): February 16, 2015
Full Proposal: March 16, 2015
Special Date A potential applicant conference call will be held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Eastern Time. The bridgeline number is 1-866-662-8986; passcode 8378091.
nighttime seatbelt enforcement
Centers for Disease Control – Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention: Evaluation of Increased Nighttime Enforcement of Seatbelt Use (RFA-CE-14-003)
The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of substantially increasing nighttime seatbelt use enforcement, combined with strong and targeted publicity components and community involvement, on nighttime seatbelt use and morbidity and mortality due to motor vehicle crashes. Projects may be either a) program development accompanied by piloting the program and a pilot evaluation or b) evaluation of an existing program already implemented in a state or local municipalities.
Amount: A total $400,000 (direct and indirect cost) will be available for the first year (12 month budget period) and an estimated $1,200,000 total funding (direct and indirect) will be awarded for the entire 3-year project period. The project period will run from 09/01/2014 to 08/31/2017.
Institutional Limit: Only one application per institution (normally identified by having a unique DUNS number) is allowed.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits an institution to one submission, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Thursday, January 23, 2014:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make recommendations as to the University’s submission. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadline
Letter of Intent (not required): February 14, 2014
Full proposal: March 19, 2014
mesothelioma virtual bank
Centers for Disease Control - National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank for Translational Research (U24) (RFA-OH-16-010)
Purpose: The National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank for Translational Research (NMVB) was established in 2006 to serve as an exceptional resource for mesothelioma research purposes. The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to continue to advance biomedical research for malignant mesothelioma by expanding the collection of biospecimens, related data, and other information in the NMVB. The NMVB is capable of providing biospecimens (such as fresh frozen tumor and control tissues, paraffin embedded tissues, and blood and DNA samples from mesothelioma patients), together with demographic data (age, sex, race, occupational history and other epidemiologic information), and clinical data (stage, treatment and survival information). Additionally, the virtual registry and tissue bank serves as a virtual repository and offers a library of reagents and data (such as genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic data) for sharing among investigators.
Funding Amount: Estimated total funding is $5,500,000 for a five-year project, and one award is anticipated.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, February 2, 2016:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (optional): January 31, 2016; Application: March 18, 2016
Centers for Disease Control - National Network of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinical Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC) CDC-RFA-PS14-1407
Purpose: The purpose of this 4 year, 7 month funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to create a national network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC) that comprises up to eight regional (Component A) and six national (Component B) centers of excellence. The PTCs will develop, disseminate and evaluate training and training assistance to improve STD care at the individual health care clinician, clinical organization and health care system level. The overarching goal is to reduce population level STD burden throughout the United States. Training content and priorities for this FOA are based on the current CDC STD treatment guidelines, which encompass screening, treatment, and prevention of STDs, and are informed by STD epidemiological trends and scientific advancements.
Applicants may apply for one or both components. If applying for both Component A and B, applicants must submit a separate, stand-alone application for each Component. If applying for component B, each strategic function should have a separate narrative and budget.
Amount: Funding for Component A Regional Center annual awards ranges from $200,000 to $450,000. Each applicant may only apply for one Component A award (based on their HHS region). Funding for Component B National Center annual awards ranges from $100,000 to $650,000, depending on the number and type of core functional strategies that the application addresses.
Institutional Limit:
- Each applicant may only apply for one Component A award (based on their HHS region).
- Each applicant may only apply for one Component B award; however, they may apply for funding for up to 3 core functional strategies in the Component B application.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, March 11, 2014:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Indicate which Component (A or B or both)
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities. (1-2 pages)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make recommendations. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadline
Letter of Intent (not required): April 1, 2014
Full proposal: May 6, 2014
environment impact on diabetes
Centers for Disease Control - Natural Experiments of Policy and Built Environment Impact on Diabetes Risk (RFA-DP-17-003)
Purpose: This announcement for a cooperative agreement has two components, A and B.
- Component A: To support a 5-year multi-center research network of innovative, non-health system-based, natural experiments approaches to alter the diabetogenic characteristics of US communities. Priority areas include population-level approaches to the promotion of healthy eating and active living by evaluating the impact of environmental and policy interventions on population-level risk factors for diabetes.
- Component B: To fund a Central Coordinating Center (CCC) to provide organizational, logistic and communication support to enhance the efficiency, productivity, and impact of the Natural Experiments research centers that are funded as part of Component A.
Funding Amount: Estimated total funding of $15,000,000 for 5 awards
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1 for each component; applicants must submit an eligible application under Component A in order to apply under Component B (PIs may be different).
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by December 20, 2017:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
- Identify the component (A or B) of application
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to the limited submission mailbox (, or call 257-2861.
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): January 9, 2017; Application: February 13, 2017
health policies to prevent diabetes
Centers for Disease Control - Natural Experiments of the Impact of Population-targeted Health Policies to Prevent Diabetes and its Complications (RFA-DP-15-001)
Purpose: Component A: To fund rigorous natural experiments of impact of population-targeted health policies and large scale interventions on risk and complications of diabetes, and reducing disparities in these risks and complications. Specific goals of the research program are to: l) Test the health impact of naturally occurring health policies and interventions, including public health policies, clinical-community partnerships, and health system-wide strategies; and 2) Improve the methods and research infrastructure for natural experiments in public health. Component B: To fund a Central Coordinating Center (CCC) to provide organizational, logistic and communication support to enhance the efficiency, productivity, and impact of the Natural Experiments research centers that are funded as part of Component A.
Funding Amount/project period: The project period will run from 09/30/2015 to 9/29/2020. For Component A, the estimated total funding in the first year is $2,250,000. For Component B, the estimated total funding in the first year is $250,000.
Institutional Limit: Eligible applicant institutions may submit one application for Component A and a separate application for Component B, if applying to both components. For component A, the applicants must select one of two tracks: 1) public policy approaches or 2) health system-community partnerships
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, February 24, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Indicate Component A or B or both; if component A, indicate track (public policy approaches or health system-community partnerships);
- Brief project description (1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines
Letter of Intent (not required): Feb 24, 2015
Full Proposal: March 24, 2015
positive health check
Centers for Disease Control - Positive Health Check Evaluation Trial (RFA-PS-15-001)
Purpose: HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART) can durably suppress the plasma HIV-1 viral load which improves individual survival and dramatically reduces further HIV transmission. Achieving HIV viral suppression is a primary goal when initiating ART. Unfortunately, there are gaps throughout the continuum of HIV care in the United States and research shows only 25% of all people living with HIV (PLWH) know they are infected, get regular medical care, take ART, and achieve HIV viral suppression. Recent studies show that computer-based interventions are effective in improving protective health behaviors including ART adherence and sexual risk reduction among PLWH. In response to the need for more comprehensive and feasible interventions, CDC has developed Positive Health Check, a brief web-based video counseling intervention to improve clinical health outcomes for PLWH including ART initiation, ART adherence as measured by suppressed HIV-1 viral load, retention in care, and sexual risk reduction as measured by incident STDs. The intervention is to be used by English-speaking PLWH in HIV primary care to supplement existing clinical care services. The grantee will conduct the Positive Health Check Evaluation Trial and evaluate the study intervention in eligible PLWH from three or four diverse HIV primary care clinics in the United States.
Funding Amount/project period: Estimated total funding available, to include direct and indirect costs for the entire project period, is $2,900,000. The project period will be four years. There will be one award.
Institutional Limit: Eligible institutions may submit one application.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, January 20, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines
Letter of Intent (not required): February 16, 2015
Full Proposal: March 16, 2015
Special Date A potential applicant conference call will be held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Eastern Time. The bridgeline is: 1-866-662-8986; passcode: 8378091
critical immunization issues
Centers for Disease Control - Provider Input on Critical Immunization Issues (RFA-IP-14-003)
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to develop and implement a methodology to obtain timely input from a nationally representative sample of healthcare providers on current, critical immunization issues. The objectives of this project are (1) to institute a strategy and process for making multiple inquiries to providers each year of the 3-year project to collect immunization-related data using scientifically sound methods with adequate response rates that produce generalizable results, and (2) to disseminate those results broadly to assist in informing recommendations for new vaccines, developing strategies to improve immunization coverage, and instituting contingency plans to address urgent problems (e.g., vaccine supply shortages).
Amount: Estimated total funding available, including direct and indirect costs for first year (12-month budget period): $900,000. If there are two awards, each award will be for $450,000. Estimated total funding available including direct and indirect costs for entire project period (3-year project period): $2,700,000.
Institutional Limit: Eligible applicant institutions may only submit one application.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, March 11, 2014:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1 page)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadline
LOI (not required) March 14, 2014
Full Proposal March 31, 2014
spina bifida risk factors
Centers for Disease Control - Public Health Research on Modifiable Risk Factors for Spina Bifida (RFA-DD-15-001)
Purpose: This FOA solicits applications in the form of cooperative agreements to investigate potentially modifiable risk factors for spina bifida in the presence of adequate folate (i.e. where there is established mandatory folic acid fortification or among populations for which there is individual-level data on periconceptional folic acid use), including identification of novel risk factors, identification of factors that may alter the impact of established risk factors (e.g. physical activity and obesity), and replication of previously observed associations from population-based epidemiological studies (e.g. National Birth Defects Prevention Study).
Funding Amount/project period: The estimated total funding (direct and indirect) for the first year (12 month budget period) is $600,000 ($300,000 per applicant with up to 2 applicants awarded) and the estimated total funding (direct and indirect) for the entire project period is $1,800,000. The budget period is anticipated to be 09/01/2015 to 08/31/2016 and the estimated project period will run from 09/01/2015 to 08/31/2018.
Institutional Limit: Eligible applicant institutions may submit no more than one application.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, January 20, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines
Letter of Intent (not required): January 23, 2015
Full Proposal: February 24, 2015
rapid-cycle survey immunization issues
Centers for Disease Control - Rapid-Cycle Survey Collaborative for Provider Input on Immunization Issues (RFA-IP-17-003)
Purpose: The purpose of this announcement is to support a mechanism to obtain timely input from a nationally representative sample of healthcare providers on critical immunization issues of importance. The objectives are: (1) to conduct multiple inquiries of providers during each year of the project in order to collect immunization-related data, using scientifically sound methods, with adequate response rates that produce generalizable results, and (2) to disseminate those results broadly to assist in informing recommendations for new vaccines, developing strategies to improve immunization coverage, and instituting contingency plans to address urgent problems (e.g., vaccine supply shortages). Surveyed providers should include pediatricians, family physicians, obstetrician/gynecologists, general internists, or some combination of these physician specialties.
Funding Amount: Estimated total funding is $1,350,000 for one three-year project.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 13, 2016:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to the limited submission mailbox ( or call 257-2861.
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): January 10, 2017; Application: February 7, 2017
Centers for Disease Control – Reduce Hepatitis Infections by Treatment and Integrated Prevention Services (Hepatitis-TIPS) among Non-urban Young Persons Who Inject Drugs (RFA-PS-14-004)
Purpose: The purpose and overarching goal of this cooperative agreement is to address the high prevalence of viral hepatitis C infection by developing and implementing an integrated approach for detection, prevention, care and treatment of Hepatitis C infection among young (18-30 year old), non-urban people who inject drugs (PWID). Awardees will develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to enroll non-urban young PWID, collect epidemiological information, test for HCV infection and provide linkage to primary care services and prevention-based education. In addition to providing hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing, awardees will provide testing for the presence of co-infections with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and HIV. Rates of HCV infection or re-infection will be evaluated through follow-up assessment.
Amount: The estimated total funding (direct and indirect) for the first year (12-month budget period) will be $600,000. The estimated total funding (direct and indirect) for the entire project period will be $1,800,000. The project period is anticipated to run from 09/30/2014 to 09/29/2017.
Institutional Limit: The eligible applicant institution may submit only one application.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, April 1, 2014:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief 1 page overview of the proposed project including objectives and proposed activities
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadline
LOI (not required) March 28, 2014
Full Proposal April 14, 2014
reduction of malaria
Centers for Disease Control - Reduction of Malaria in U.S. Residents Returning from Overseas Travel to Malaria-Endemic Countries (RFA-CK-14-004)
The purpose of this FOA is to reduce the burden of malaria in U.S. residents who travel overseas to malaria-endemic countries and return to the United States. Consideration should be given to high burden areas and populations, such as New York City and persons whose purpose of travel is to visit friends and relatives (VFRs). The objectives of this FOA will be to design qualitative and quantitative studies to document the barriers that exist in various VFR communities leading to increased risk of malaria while traveling, use this knowledge obtained to design and implement targeted intervention programs to reduce disease risk and better protect travelers, document the reduction of disease in these communities, and develop an approach that can be applied to VFR communities nationwide to reduce malaria disease burden. The results of this work should lead to a reduction of malaria cases in the United States.
Amount: Estimated total funding available including direct and indirect costs for the first year (12 month budget period): $800,000. Estimated total funding available including direct and indirect costs for the entire project period (5 year project period): $4,000,000. The project period will run from 09/01/2014 to 08/31/2019.
Institutional Limit: Eligible applicant institutions may only submit one application.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits an institution to one submission, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 17, 2013:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make recommendations as to the University’s submission. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadline
Letter of Intent (not required): December 19, 2013
Full proposal: Jan 21, 2014
spina bifida outcomes
Centers for Disease Control - Research Approaches to Improve the Care and Outcomes of People Living with Spina Bifida (RFA-DD-14-002)
Purpose. The overall purpose of this FOA is to identify and facilitate the provision of effective clinical care and needed educational/informational resources for people living with Spina Bifida (SB). This FOA is comprised of three (3) components:
- Component A solicits applications to implement a plan to develop and implement the infrastructure for Spina Bifida Clinical Care Monitoring and Tracking (CCMT). The system will monitor, track and evaluate patterns of care provided in SB clinics with the goal of improving and standardizing care through evidence-based effectiveness analysis. This plan will result in a CCMT that coordinates communication between SB clinics and SB chapters, provides input into research priorities for the NSBPR, and advocates for the adoption of best practices identified via the NSBPR and the UPPF as well as by other avenues.
- Component B solicits applications to continue the collection of longitudinal data on children and adults with SB. These data will be used to promote quality of care by determining best practices through comparing differences in interventions and outcomes among clinics and to propose hypotheses to develop and test using NSBPR data.
- Component C solicits applications to implement and evaluate a best practice protocol that can move toward an evidence-based protocol to manage the urinary system in infants and young children with SB so that kidney function is preserved as a positive health outcome. Applicants applying for this component of the FOA must also apply for component B. Only applicants funded under Component B will be considered for funding under Component C.
Amount: Component A: Total funding is expected to be $4,000,000 (direct and indirect) over the five year project period. It is anticipated that one award will be made to a single recipient for approximately $800,000 in FY 2014. Component B: Total funding is expected to be $5,250,000 (direct and indirect) over the five year project period. It is anticipated that up to 15 awards of $70,000 each will be made to up to 15 recipients in FY 2014. Component C: Total funding is expected to be $1,250,000 (direct and indirect) over the five year project period. It is anticipated that up to 10 awards of $25,000 each will be made to up to 10 recipients in FY 2014. Total funding for Component A, B and C of this FOA is expected to be approximately $10,500,000 over the 5 year project period.
Institutional Limit: Only one application per institution (normally identified by having a unique DUNS number) per component is allowed.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits an institution to one submission per component, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Thursday, January 30, 2014:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Program title or funding opportunity announcement number and specific component (A, B, or C);
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make recommendations. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadline
Letter of Intent (not required): February 7, 2014
Full proposal: March 7, 2014
personal protective equipment
Centers for Disease Control - Research on Technical Improvement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be used in Healthcare Settings for Infection Control, including Ebola and other Emerging Pathogens (RFA-CK-16-006)
Purpose: The purpose of this announcement is to fund research to improve personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used in healthcare settings for infection control. Specifically, it will focus on improving the design of and the material used in isolation gowns and respirators to address challenges related to comfort, ease of communication, reprocessing for re-use, fluid penetration through materials, fit and sizing, and ease of safe donning and doffing.
The objectives of the proposed research are:
- Design and develop an innovative, cost-effective, wearer-friendly, impermeable isolation gown with demonstrated protection against infectious bodily fluids and microorganisms in a healthcare setting.
- Design and develop an innovative, cost-effective, user-friendly, reusable, textile facepiece-filtering respirator with demonstrated protection against infectious aerosols in a healthcare setting.
- Develop, in conjunction with an industrial partner(s), the capability to produce these two products within U.S. industry.
Funding Amount: $3,000,000PerProjectPeriodof 3 years.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 1, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): December 14, 2015; Application: January 19, 2016
tick vector management
Centers for Disease Control - Spatially Scalable Integrated Tick Vector/Rodent Reservoir Management to Reduce Human Risk of Exposure to Ixodes scapularis Ticks Infected with Lyme Disease Spirochetes (RFA-CK-16-002)
Purpose: To advance knowledge of the impact of environmentally-based tick/pathogen control conducted on single versus multiple adjacent properties, in relation to human landscape use patterns and tick exposure locations, on the risk of human exposure to ticks infected with Lyme disease spirochetes.
Funding Amount: Estimated total funding is $1,600,000 for a 4-year project and a single award is anticipated.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 8, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (optional): January 4, 2016; Application: February 2, 2016
T1 diabetes in YA
Centers for Disease Control - Study to Assess the Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes in Young Adults (RFA-DP-16-005)
Purpose: The research goal is to develop, implement, and evaluate a population-based, timely, low-cost surveillance system for the assessment of the incidence of type 1 diabetes among young adults, age 20 to 45 years in the United States. The FOA will establish one sentinel site to determine the incidence of type 1 diabetes among adults age 20-45 years and will include a Islet Autoantibody Standardization Program (ISAP) certified central laboratory for the measurement of diabetes auto antibodies (DAA). Applicants must provide evidence of access to a dataset with a denominator of at least 2 million persons age 20 to 45 years and to a central laboratory that is participating in the Islet Autoantibody Standardization Program (IASP).
The main objectives are to:
- Develop and implement a case ascertainment strategy for the rapid, timely, and complete identification of new onset diabetes cases among young adults aged 20-45 years.
- Develop and implement procedures for the measurement of DAA through standardized methods at the time of diabetes diagnosis for incident cases, including the identification of a certified laboratory.
- Establish a diverse, population-based registry of incident cases of diabetes among young adults.
- Determine the incidence of type 1 diabetes.
- Provide statistical and analytic support to estimate the incidence of type 1 diabetes and evaluate the surveillance system in terms of accuracy, timeliness, and costs.
Funding Amount: Estimated total funding is $2,000,000 for a two-year project, and one award is anticipated.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, January 5, 2016:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director, other key personnel and partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description (2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): January 22, 2016; Application: February 23, 2016
Muscular Dystrophies and Neuromuscular Disorders
Centers for Disease Control - Surveillance and Research of Muscular Dystrophies and Neuromuscular Disorders (RFA-DD14-001)
Purpose: Using methods based on those from the Muscular Dystrophy Surveillance Tracking and Research Network (MD STARnet), this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) will support:
- Conducting population-based surveillance, longitudinal follow-up, and public health research for muscular dystrophies and neuromuscular disorder(s): (a) to develop estimates for prevalence, survival, healthcare service use and costs, disparities in access to care (by proximity to source of care, race/ethnicity, and SES), and (b) to determine associations between specific clinical treatments and specific outcomes for specific types of MD and neuromuscular disorders, and (c) to support public health and clinical practice for prevention of morbidities and their progression among persons with muscular dystrophy and neuromuscular disorders
- Expanding the number of surveillance site(s) to increase the demographic, racial, and ethnic diversity in the current MD surveillance system
- Sharing data with stakeholders seeking to improve health and access to care of people living with these conditions
- Evaluating, modifying, and documenting the methodology and infrastructure of the surveillance system
- Conducting pilot studies that investigate specific MD knowledge gaps and sharing results with participants and stakeholders
This FOA has four components to achieve the purpose of the program. Components A and B consist of the core activities. Component A - core (existing MD surveillance and research programs) consists of using methods based on those from MD STARnet and lessons learned from previous MD surveillance systems to conduct surveillance and longitudinal follow-up for muscular dystrophies and neuromuscular disorder(s); maintaining current and building new key partnerships; analyzing data to produce findings useful for public health practice; disseminating results to stakeholders using data collected from current and previous MD surveillance programs; and evaluating, modifying, and documenting the surveillance methods and infrastructure. Component B - core (new MD surveillance and research programs) consists of building a system using methods based on those from MD STARnet to conduct surveillance and longitudinal follow-up for muscular dystrophies and neuromuscular disorder(s) in a population with a large minority group (i.e. African Americans, Hispanics, Asians); building new key partnerships; analyzing data to produce findings useful for public health practice; disseminating data to stakeholders; and evaluating, modifying, and documenting the surveillance methods and infrastructure. Component C consists of the data coordinating center (DCC) and abstractor training and quality assurance/control that support the core activities. Component D consists of additional muscular dystrophy research studies in which applicants design a study to address a knowledge gap in MD and share data with study participants and MD stakeholders. (Note: The methodology for component D studies will not be known until applications have been submitted. Studies that collect data on 10 or more people are required to have OMB approval unless one of several exemptions apply. Data will not be collected without the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) approval.)
Amount: Total funding available for this cooperative agreement is expected to be $15,500,000 over the five-year project period.
Component A: It is anticipated that up to five awards will be made to five recipients for up to $500,000 each in FY 2014. Component B: It is anticipated that up to two awards will be made to two recipients for up to $450,000 each in FY 2014. Component C – Enhanced Activities/DCC: It is anticipated that one award will be made to a single recipient for up to $250,000 in FY 2014. Component C – Enhanced Activities/Abstractor training and QA/QC: It is anticipated that one award will be made to a single recipient for up to $100,000 in FY 2014. Component D: It is anticipated that up to three awards (range $75,000 to $125,000 each) will be made to three recipients in FY 2014. Awards issued under this FOA are contingent upon availability of funds and a sufficient number of meritorious applications. Because the nature and scope of the proposed activities and research will vary from application to application, it is also anticipated that the size and duration of each award may also vary. The total amount awarded and the number of awards will depend upon the number, quality, duration and cost of the applications received.
Institutional Limit: Only one application per institution (normally identified by having a unique DUNS Number) per component is allowed for this FOA. Applicants must submit separate applications if applying to more than one Component. All eligible applicants for Component A or B may also apply for one or both of the Component C - enhanced activities and/or Component D – muscular dystrophy research studies. To apply for component C and/or D, eligible applicants must apply for Component A or B.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits an institution to one submission per component, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Thursday, January 30, 2014:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Program title, funding opportunity announcement number and specific component (A, B, C, or D);
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make recommendations. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadline
Letter of Intent (not required): February 7, 2014
Full proposal: March 7, 2014
congenital heart defects
Centers for Disease Control - Surveillance of Congenital Heart Defects Across the Lifespan (CDC-RFA-DD15-1506)
Purpose: The proposed funding opportunity announcement (FOA) solicits non-research, cooperative agreement applications to develop accurate and complete, population-based surveillance of Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs). This FOA will expand the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities’ programs conducting birth defects surveillance with a focus on congenital heart defects (CHDs) among individuals of all ages.
The National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD), Division of Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (DBDDD) seeks to fund collaborative projects to:
- Category A: Build on existing infrastructure for population-based CHDs surveillance to (i) link additional years of surveillance data for both adolescents and adults identified having a CHD, (ii) identify factors associated with optimal healthcare and improved outcomes, (iii) evaluate factors that impede appropriate transition from pediatric to adult care, (iv) expand surveillance activities to include the lifespan, if possible, and (v) develop pilot projects to translate public health best practices into action; and
- Category B: Develop and implement innovative approaches for conducting population-based surveillance of CHDs in adolescents and adults, and if possible, across the lifespan, by linking existing data sources. Surveillance data will be used for descriptive epidemiology, to identify comorbidities, and examine healthcare utilization and referral to timely and appropriate services.
Project Period/Funding Amount: Average award: $400,000/budget period; 4 year project period.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: (1)
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, April 14, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Optional Letter of Intent Deadline: April 27, 2015
Application Deadline: June 1, 2015
telemedicine for HIV care
Centers for Disease Control - Telemedicine to Improve HIV Care among Minority Persons Living with HIV in Urban Areas (CDC-RFA-PS17-1710)
Purpose: The National Center for HIV, Hepatitis, STDs, and Tuberculosis Prevention, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention has identified telemedicine as a promising strategy to improve retention in HIV care and HIV service delivery for better patient health outcomes. This demonstration project will fund two awards, one for Category A: Implementation and Evaluation and one for Category B: Capacity Building and Technical Assistance. The goals of this demonstration project are to create and implement a telemedicine program for urban clinics serving predominantly minority persons living with HIV (PLWH). The intent is to reduce barriers associated with poor retention in HIV care and increase service delivery accessibility and efficiency.
Funding Amount: Estimated total: Category A: $2,500,000, Category B: $500,000
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1 for either A or B
Internal Competition: To participate in the university’s selection process, please submit the following, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at with a copy to your Associate Dean for Research by April 25, 2017:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
- Intent to submit to either category A or B
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. For questions, email the limited submission mailbox ( or call 257-2861.
Agency Deadlines: May 30, 2017
syphilis epidemiology
Centers for Disease Control - Understanding the Epidemiology of Syphilis in the United States (RFA-PS-17-002)
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to better understand the epidemiologic and microbiologic aspects of syphilis infection in the United States. This announcement is divided into two parts: (1) The goal is to collect syphilis specimens for research on genetic, proteomic, or serologic markers in order to facilitate diagnostic assay development and validation; and (2) This activity will explore the potential role of sex and social networks in men who have sex with men (MSM) on syphilis epidemics and how these networks interact to transmit syphilis, including repeat infection.
Funding Amount: Estimated total funding is $7,500,000 for a three-year project, and four awards are anticipated.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, October 18, 2016:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to the limited submission mailbox ( or call 257-2861.
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): October 28, 2016; Application: November 30, 2016
flu vaccine effectiveness
Centers for Disease Control - US Platform to Measure Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness against Laboratory-confirmed Influenza-associated Hospitalizations (RFA-IP-15-002)
Purpose: The goal of this funding announcement is to establish a sustainable network of US institutions that can obtain hospitalization data and provide accurate estimates of annual influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) to prevent influenza-associated hospitalizations in US adult populations. Participating institutions will coordinate enrollment of adult hospitalized patients with acute respiratory illness (ARI), confirm influenza infection using sensitive laboratory-based molecular assays, and estimate VE using a test-negative study design. Annual VE estimates will be used to inform and assess the public health impact of influenza vaccination programs to prevent health-related complications of influenza infection, especially in older adults. In addition, this network will also compare VE for specific vaccine types available in the US. This network will serve as an emergency response resource in the event of an influenza pandemic to assess VE to prevent hospitalizations.
Funding Amount/project period: The estimated number of Core Component awards is four. The estimated funding (direct and indirect) for the Core Component for the first 12-month budget period will be $300,000 per award; the estimated funding (direct and indirect) for the Core Component for the second through fifth 12-month budget periods will be $450,000 per award. The Core Component project period will run from 08/01/2015 to 07/31/2020. The estimated number of Optional Component awards will be up to four. The estimated funding (direct and indirect) for the Optional Component for the second through fifth 12-month budget periods will be $200,000 per award. The Optional Component project period will run from 08/01/2016 to 07/31/2020.
Institutional Limit: Each eligible applicant institution may submit only one application.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, January 27, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines
Letter of Intent (not required): February 3, 2015
Full Proposal: March 3, 2015
distinguish T1 and T2 diabetes
Centers for Disease Control - Validation of Survey Questions to Distinguish Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes among Adults with Diabetes (RFA-DP-17-002)
Purpose: The purpose of this award is to explore the development and validation of a set of questions that can be used on future surveys to indicate whether diabetic respondents have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. A secondary goal is to validate definitions of type of diabetes using electronic health record algorithms.
Funding Amount: $1,000,000 for one award
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the university’s selection process, please submit the following, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at with a copy to your Associate Dean for Research by January 10, 2017:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description(2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. For questions, email the limited submission mailbox ( or call 257-2861.
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): January 21, 2017; Application: February 21, 2017
vector borne disease
Centers for Disease Control – Vector-Borne Disease Regional Centers of Excellence (U01) - RFA-CK-17-005 – NO INTERNAL COMPETITION
Purpose: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) proposes to establish Vector-Borne Disease Regional Centers of Excellence (U01) aimed at building the capacity to address the problem of emerging and exotic vector-borne diseases in the U.S., including Zika virus infections. Goals are to conduct applied research, train a cadre of public health entomologists, and build effective collaborations between academic communities and public health organizations.
Funding Opportunity Announcement: RFA-CK-17-005
Institutional Limit: (1)
No Internal Competition: The University of Kentucky has designated a qualified applicant team to submit to this program. This team has the requisite expertise, multi-state collaborations and public health organization partner in place. Thus, this there will be no internal competition.
For questions, email the limited submission mailbox ( or call 257-2861.
web HIV services
Centers for Disease Control - Web-based Approaches to Reach Black or African American and Hispanic/Latino MSM for HIV Testing and Prevention Services (RFA-PS-17-003)
Purpose: The purpose of this announcement is to identify effective internet-based strategies to provide HIV testing to black and Hispanic/Latino MSM. The goals are: (1) to develop and evaluate culturally-appropriate internet-based recruitment strategies for engaging black and Hispanic/Latino MSM in HIV testing, (2) to determine which recruitment strategy is the most effective in providing HIV testing (persons tested per baseline assessment completed) and identifying newly diagnosed men, (3) to determine the most cost effective recruitment strategy for providing HIV testing (cost per person tested for HIV), and (4) to evaluate which recruitment strategy results in the greatest linkage to HIV-related prevention or treatment services for HIV-negative and HIV-positive men, respectively.
The application should describe the development, implementation, and evaluation of internet-based (web and app) strategies for reaching and providing HIV testing to black and Hispanic/Latino MSM. Applications should propose a project that has two phases: 1) a formative research phase to develop at least two different innovative recruitment strategies for each of the MSM target populations and one comparison strategy; and, 2) an implementation phase to evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment strategies.
Funding Amount: Estimated total funding is $2,950,000for a four-year project.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 6, 2016:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description (2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to the limited submission mailbox ( or call 257-2861.
Agency Deadlines: Letter of Intent (Optional): December 14, 2016; Application: January 17, 2017
workers comp
Centers for Disease Control - Workers’ Compensation Surveillance (RFA-OH-14-007)
Purpose: The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to compile, analyze, and disseminate workers’ compensation (WC) data to promote the prevention of occupational injuries, illnesses, fatalities, and exposures to hazards within the states and throughout the nation. The WC Surveillance Cooperative Agreements are intended to provide state health and state WC agencies and other eligible organizations and businesses the resources to initiate or expand state-based WC surveillance and intervention activities.
Amount: An applicant state may request up to $200,000 in total costs (direct and indirect) per 12-month budget period with the estimated total funding for the entire project period up to $600,000. The project period will be for three consecutive years beginning with a project period start date of June 1, 2015.
Institutional Limit: Only one application per institution (normally identified by having a unique DUNS number) is allowed.
Internal Competition: Because CDC limits the number of applications that can be submitted, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, May 6, 2014:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief overview of the proposed project to include objectives, significance, and activities.(1-2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadline
Full Proposal August 29, 2014
Ag forestry and fishing safety
Centers For Disease Control - NIOSH - Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Safety and Health Research (U01)
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is soliciting applications to conduct agricultural injury and disease research. While emphasis will be placed on proposals in the areas of forestry/logging, vulnerable populations and research to practice efforts, any application associated with occupational safety and health concerns in this work sector will be accepted. NIOSH intends to commit $1.2M in FY 2014 to fund 4-6 awards. The maximum amount of total costs available per award is $275,000 per year for three years. The funds will be awarded as a cooperative agreement.
NIOSH has created a Program Portfolio to broadly guide activities by categorizing programs into 10 major National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Sector Programs that represent groups of industrial sectors, and 24 cross-sector programs organized around adverse health outcomes, statutory programs and global efforts. Detailed information about the Program Portfolio can be found at and specific information on the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Program Portfolio can be found at
Additional information and specific guidelines/requirements:
Because NIOSH limits an institution to one proposal, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Individuals interested in submitting to this program are to send the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, July 8, 2014:
- The names and departments of the Project Director and key personnel
- Participating institution(s) if any
- Solicitation number or title (PAR-14-175; Agricultural, Forestry and Fishing Safety and Health Research)
- A brief description of the proposed project (1-2 pages) including the specific aims (the problem the proposed research addresses and how it will result in public health impact and improvements in population health), the specific NIOSH National Occupational Research Agenda cross-sectors being addressed, the expected outcomes, and the NIOSH priority area impacted
A committee will be appointed to review the material and make recommendations as to the University’s applicant. The optional letter of intent is due September 26, 2014 and the complete application is due October 31, 2014.
Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
centers for ag safety
Centers for Disease Control - NIOSH - Centers for Agricultural Safety and Health (U54) – PAR-15-353 – NO INTERNAL COMPETITION in 2015
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced a new solicitation for Centers for Agricultural Safety and Health (Ag Centers):
NIOSH accepts only one application per accredited institution of higher education. UK’s current Center is active through 9/29/2016. Based on UK’s limited submission policy, Dr. David Mannino, PI, has priority as the institutional applicant and UK will not have an internal competition for this program.
COE Total Worker Health
Centers for Disease Control - NIOSH - Centers of Excellence for Total Worker Health® (U19) (PAR-15-361)
Purpose: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has announced funding for Centers of Excellence for Total Worker Health® to advance the overall safety, health, and well-being of the diverse population of workers in our nation. Centers accomplish this through multidisciplinary research, intervention, outreach and education, and evaluation activities. Each Center is comprised of three required cores and components: (1) Planning and Evaluation Core – up to 20% total costs/year; (2) Research Core; and (3) Outreach Core – up to 25% total costs/year. A Pilot/Feasibility Research Program is optional up to $50K total costs.
Project Period/Funding: NIOSH intends to fund 4 or 5 cooperative agreements for up to 5 years. Maximum amount (total cost) for each application is $1.3 million for the first 12-month project period.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Institutional Limit: (1)
Internal Competition: To participate in the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, October 27, 2015:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director, key personnel, and participating institutions (if any);
- Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;
- Brief project description (2 pages maximum)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Agency Deadlines: October 30, 2015 (optional letter of intent); December 17, 2015 (complete Center application).
miner safety and health training
Centers for Disease Control - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) - Miner Safety and Health Training Program – Western United States (U60)
A major objective of this solicitation is to establish a training program that 1) addresses the training needs of miners in the Western United States, 2) develops and delivers training to miners in the Western United States, 3) provides qualified instructors and faculty to conduct the training, 4) evaluates the effectiveness and impact of the training program on reducing injuries and illnesses to miners, and 5) coordinates with existing training programs, such as those offered by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). NIOSH intends that the training provided by this program will be consistent with recommendations and guidelines of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and MSHA and that the training provided does not overlap with existing MSHA or OSHA training programs.
NIOSH intends to commit a total of approximately $1 million in FY2014 to fund 1-3 cooperative agreements in response to this FOA for a period of up to 3 years. The total project period for an application submitted in response to this funding opportunity may not exceed 3 years. An applicant may request a budget for direct costs of up to $500,000 per year.
See the complete RFA for additional information:
NIOSH confirmed that this RFA limits an institution to one proposal; therefore, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Individuals interested in submitting to this program are to send the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Wednesday, February 26, 2014:
- The names and departments of the Project Director and key personnel
- Names and contacts of participating institution(s)
- A brief description of the proposed program (1-2 page maximum) including the objectives and evaluation plan
The Vice President for Research will appoint a committee to review the material and make recommendations as to the University’s applicant. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Kathy Stanwix-Hay in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-5090)
The letter of intent (optional) is due February 28, 2014; the complete application is due March 31, 2014.
childhood ag injury
Centers for Disease Control - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - National Center of Excellence for the Prevention of Childhood Agricultural Injury (U54)
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, invites applications for a National Center of Excellence for the Prevention of Childhood Agricultural Injury. CDC/NIOSH intends to commit $1.2M in FY 2014 to fund one award. It is anticipated that the total funds available for the entire project period of five years will be approximately $6 million. The estimated total funding (direct and indirect costs) for the first year (12 month budget period) will be $1.2M.
Sponsor priorities and specific requirements are detailed in the complete RFA:
Internal Competition: Because NIOSH limits an institution to one submission, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, March 25, 2014:
- Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners
- Overview of the proposed center: 2 pages maximum – briefly describe the essential five components (administrative; outreach/education/translation; prevention/intervention/translation; research; and evaluation)
A committee will be convened to review the material and make recommendations as to the University’s submission. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
The application is due on May 2, 2014.
occupational safety
Centers for Disease Control - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Centers - PAR-15-303 – No Internal Competition
UK is currently funded under this program until 6/30/2019 and is not eligible to submit another application at this time.
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
occupational safety project grants
Centers for Disease Control - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - Occupational Safety and Health Training Project Grants (T03)(PAR-15-352)
The University of Kentucky will not have an internal selection procedure regarding the recently issued PAR-15-352 for CDC/NIOSH Occupational Safety and Health Training Project Grants. The sponsor clarified NIOSH’s intent to support only one training grant per institution and that includes UK’s currently funded Central Appalachian Regional Education Center (T42OH01027804). NIOSH will issue a Notice to clarify the sponsor’s purpose, and UK is cancelling the internal call for applications.