The UK Center for the Biologic Basis of Oral/Systemic Diseases has limited funds for pilot grants.
Individual project awards, up to $20,000 total, will be made on a competitive basis prior to December 1, 2017. At least 2 awards of $20,000 and 4 awards of $10,000 are anticipated to be awarded.
A full application including the materials listed here, is due by October 1, 2017.
Eligibility is limited to full-time regular, special and clinical title faculty and full time research faculty of UK and affiliated institutions. Junior faculty are especially encouraged to apply. Investigators in training (residents, postdocs, clinical fellows, etc) are not eligiable to serve as PIs but may be co-investigators.
Contact Dr. Craig S. Miller at or 859-323-5598 with questions or for more information.
CBBO/SD Pilot Grants Program