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Gatton Research Excellence Doctoral Series

The Gatton College of Business and Economics is pleased to present the Spring 2023 Gatton Doctoral Research Excellence Series focusing on the impact of our current Ph.D. candidates and their research. Each presenter will give a brief presentation in BE383 from 3:00 to 4:00 PM followed by a reception from 4 - 5:30 PM in Woodward Hall.

Chenduo Du will present her published work in the Journal of Applied Psychology, which investigates how and why COVID-19-associated uncertainty affects employee work outcomes

Tian Qiu’s research project is titled “Filing Agents and Information Leakage.” This research is a joint project with Gatton finance faculty Leonce Bargeron and Chris Clifford.

Blake Holman will share one of his research projects that focuses on improving accounting practitioners’ evaluations of complex estimates.

Umair Usman will present two of the projects that are representative of his research interest in consumers’ responses to new technologies in marketing. Specifically, he will share how blockchain-augmented marketing claims have the potential to enhance consumers' confidence in a brand's marketing claims and how a sycophant artificial intelligence can influence users' responses to it.