  • Podcast
  • Jun 22 2016

Adam Bachstetter and Danielle Lyons are focusing on how glial cells in the brain are altered with aging.

  • Podcast
  • Jun 14 2016

Donna Arnett talks about her first research project, why she can't quit research, and her vision for the College of Public Health.

  • Podcast
  • Jun 7 2016

Joe Abisambra and his lab trainees study Tau, a microtubule stabilizing protein, in hopes of finding a cure for Alzheimer's.

  • Podcast
  • Jun 1 2016

Jenna Hatcher is taking preventive health care into the emergency department, “because for many Kentuckians that’s where they find their medical home."

  • Podcast
  • May 24 2016

Brent Seales' revolutionary virtual unwrapping tool can help uncover writings from ancient scrolls.

  • Podcast
  • May 18 2016

Susan Odom talks about training students, her next-generation battery research, and the connection between chemistry and cooking.

  • Podcast
  • May 2 2016

Sasha Rabchevsky talks about his work at the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center and what drives him to train the next generation of researchers.