Igniting Research Collaborations

Igniting Research Collaborations (IRC) seeks to increase interdisciplinary scientific engagement and leverage the breadth of expertise across campus to tackle important problems in the Commonwealth.

Goal & Purpose:

  • UK is 1 of 8 US universities with undergrad, graduate, professional, medical, engineering & agricultural programs – distinct opportunity for collaborative research
  • Foster new collaborations across colleges (new collaboration means no publications and no funding history together)
  • Diverse expertise leads to innovative advances
  • Faculty from all UK colleges invited to apply
  • Previous awardees can apply

The IRC Pilot must be a NEW collaboration of faculty from at least 2 different colleges. The maximum budget amount is $50,000. Typical awards are in the $25,000 - $30,000 range. Salary for faculty is not allowed. The budget period is for six months.

Review will be conducted by ADRs or designated Chairs of participating colleges.

2024 IRC Funding Results

2023 IRC Funding Results

2022 IRC Funding Results

2020 IRC Funding Results

2019 IRC Funding Results

2018 IRC Funding Results

Application Process

Application Process

Application Deadline: April 8, 2024

Please submit the following in a single pdf to the VPR Funding Portal: https://ris.uky.edu/pdo/fundingportal/

  • IRC cover page (available after log-in on the submission portal)

  • Abstract (30 lines maximum; Arial 11 pt font, minimum 0.5 inch margins)

  • Research plan (2 pages)

  • NIH-style biosketch or abbreviated CV for each investigator (5 pages maximum)

  • Budget/justification (1 page)

Networking Event

2024 Igniting Research Collaborations Networking Event

March 7, 2024 2-6 pm
Gatton Student Center


2024 Igniting Research Collaborations Symposium

February 12 - 16, 2024 | 12 pm to 1 pm | Click here for Zoom for all five days | View symposium agenda

grant writing workshop

2024 Igniting Research Collaborations Grant Writing Workshop

March 18, 2024 | 12 pm to 1 pm | Click here for zoom