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  • Apr 23 2020

John Thelin is a leading authority on the history of American higher education. Today, he answers some of our questions, bringing historical knowledge to contemporary discussions around COVID-19’s impact on higher education.

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  • Apr 21 2020

Austin Hinkel, a doctoral student in UK's Department of Physics and Astronomy, is the lead author of a new paper that published today in the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ).

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  • Apr 20 2020

The NIEHS has awarded the UK-SRC a five-year, $8.7 million grant to conduct research aimed at better understanding and minimizing the negative health and environmental impacts of chlorinated organic compounds found at Superfund sites.

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  • Apr 17 2020

Across the country, a lot of health care-related research has been paused as people are asked to stay home and maintain social distancing. However, there’s some good news: many clinical trials are still underway.

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  • Apr 16 2020

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, UK's Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) has created a new biospecimen bank to support research on the novel virus. Logistical support for the biobank is led by the UK Markey Cancer Center.

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  • Apr 15 2020

During times of uncertainty, we — as a society — search for answers. COVID-19, first and foremost, is a public health crisis. But it also leaves us with pressing questions. UK experts can lend their knowledge and experience to help.

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  • Apr 14 2020

"The country is running out of personal protection equipment, which is important to prevent not just my friends from getting sick, but my wife, too. She works as a physician," Winkler said. "We must protect those who are risking their lives to protect others from this disease."

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  • Apr 14 2020

“PowerTech is a great example of why research is so vital to a community,” Liu said. “When you combine a group of hard-working, smart and innovative researchers, sometimes early research springs forward. That’s precisely what happened with the PowerTech team.”

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  • Apr 10 2020

As the worldwide coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic continues to play out, researchers are among those working to find innovative solutions to help flatten the curve. Jamie Sturgill has created a new way to find biomarkers for lung disease -- by testing a person's breath.

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  • Apr 10 2020

“I am continually impressed and grateful every day for the effort and dedication of the staff of UK Healthcare’s clinical laboratories. They are in the lab working to improve the lives of patients 24/7 throughout the year.